DC First Look – Explore the Metalverse Exclusive Map
Earth is turned upside down, shrouded in a realm of darkness after the Justice League’s defeat by the cosmic goddess Perpetua. Now the Batman Who Laughs and his army of Dark Knights rule the planet, wreaking havoc on humanity and raining destruction on the world.
DC has built out the bat-shaped map that first appeared on the credits page for Dark Nights: Death Metal #1 with details about this new landscape! While you’re checking out the map (credited to Jared Blando) there’s some great easter eggs and notes about the Super Heroes that inhabit these new spaces (Warworld, Megapokolips, Slaughter Swamp, and more).
To check out full the INTERACTIVE map, visit https://www.dccomics.com/metal and hover over the various areas on the map and have fun discovering something new in DC’s Metalverse ahead of Dark Nights: Death Metal #2 on July 14!