DC Exclusive: Strange Adventures (King, Gerads, Shaner) begins March 2020
“This adventure is a strange and beautifully ambitious thriller that will shock you as we unravel a mystery in space.” –Mitch Gerads
“I really think we’re making something special with Strange Adventures…even Mitch’s half is ok.” –Doc Shaner
Strange Adventures Examines A Man of Two Worlds
The Eisner Award-winning team behind DC’s Mister Miracle and The Sheriff of Babylon, writer Tom King and artist Mitch Gerads, is joined by fan-favorite artist Evan “Doc” Shaner (Justice League: Darkseid War: Green Lantern) to bring you Strange Adventures, an epic tale in the tradition of Watchmen, The Dark Knight Returns, and DC: The New Frontier—a story of blood, war, and love that readers will talk about for years to come.
Created in 1958 for DC by Julius Schwartz and Murphy Anderson and first appearing in Showcase #17, Adam Strange is the hero of the planet Rann, a man famous throughout the galaxy for his bravery and honor. In King, Gerads and Shaner’s Strange Adventures, debuting in March 2020, not all is as happy and nice as it seems, as the decisions Adam made during battles on Rann come back to haunt his family and threaten the entire DC Universe.
“Adam Strange is one of a long line of characters—like Tarzan and Flash Gordon, stolid men with dimpled chins who thrive in ‘foreign lands’—who stand in as a metaphor for a 19th century European dream of colonialism,” said King. “Of course, colonialism was nothing like this dream, and it’s that contrast that interests me: the bloody gap between the myth and the reality.”
And now a surprise DC hero will have to choose between saving Adam Strange and saving the world.
“I wanted to tell two stories simultaneously,” continued King, “and have them play off each other: the story we tell others and the story others tell about us. To represent these two aspects, we use two of the best artists in comics, then we weave those two tellings together in odd and new ways that I don’t think anyone’s seen in modern superhero comics. So it’s a way to do something new and different and hopefully something cool and compelling.”
A story like no other, with 28 story pages in each issue, Strange Adventures is an ambitious, thrilling, shocking, and beautiful 12-issue saga that will push Adam Strange to the breaking point—and beyond!
Strange Adventures #1, written by Tom King with art by Mitch Gerads and Evan “Doc” Shaner, edited by Jamie S. Rich and Brittany Holzherr, will hit shelves March 4, 2020, and retail for #4.99. Cover artwork is by Mitch Gerads and Doc Shaner.