
Published on September 16th, 2018 | by James Wright

DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know Review

DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know Review James Wright

Summary: DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know is filled with lots of fun facts about this comic book universe


Fun facts

DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know is aimed at the reader who wants to know more about the wonderful characters of this diverse comic book universe. Even fans of this company will find something interesting in this tome of DC goodness as it spans 80-years of history with its fun facts, trivia, stats, anecdotes and key stories about these characters.

Impressively presented from DK, this hardcover book is a true celebration of DC Comics which has a focus on this universe from the New-52 “reboot” and further. For the uninitiated the New-52 was a soft reboot from DC Comics which restarted the characters, however kept some of their previous history which has now been updated courtesy of Rebirth. Thankfully this book does not delve into the mess of continuity and apart from its heroes such as Superman or Batman to its villains like Lex Luthor and the Joker, DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know also showcases the amazing locales from this world such as Atlantis and Gotham City, including the supporting cast of these characters.

The book even explores the scientific and mythical corners of DC Comics, including alien worlds and other realms of existence, comprising of the entities that reside there such as the New God Darkseid from Apokolips or the imp Mxyzptlk from the Fifth Dimension. Given that, DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know is a true kaleidoscope of knowledge and writers Liz Marsham, MElinie Scott, Landry Q. Walker and Steven Wiacek know their DC lore well.  Complementing the information is a wealth of comic book imagery from the history of DC which helps bring the content to life.

With that said, this 200-page book is split into the following sections;

  • Superheroes
  • Super-Villains
  • Super Hero Teams
  • Super Villain Teams
  • Science
  • MAgic
  • Locations
  • Infinite Earths
  • Index
  • Acknowledgements

So while this hardcover book focuses more on the big players from DC Comics like Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman, it thankfully touches upon other characters as well like Zatanna and Space Cabby. Sure, there might be a sentence of two about them but they are included. However my one gripe with this hardcover is the lack of information on the world’s first superhero group which is the legendary Justice Society of America and may have been a DC edict because after Flashpoint, the JSA did not exist in this post New-52 world and since 2011, there’s only been a handful mentions of this group.

Where this book does shine is through the interesting facts in the book such as the Worlogog is a device that grants users the ability to alter the fabric of reality or that the top speed of the Batmobile is 428km or Darkseid’s real name is Uxas. Or did you know that the Martian Manhunter (aka J’onn) is an adored hero in Japan with his own manga and anime franchises or that Batman wore a rainbow batsuit to distract the villains attention from Robin and himself. It’s this crazy stuff that makes DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know such a fun read!

Final Thoughts?

DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know is a wealth of knowledge that celebrates this comic book universe well. Sure, it does focus on the key players such as Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, including their support cast and villains, however it does explore other elements of this universe with lots of fun facts.

More importantly, it reads well, has some interesting tidbits that are accompanied by some stunning images taken directly from the comics themselves. Even the staunchest of DC fans will probably find something unique and amusing in this book, however if you’re looking to delve into this world without too much background knowledge, DC Comics Absolutely Everything You Need To Know is the perfect starting place.

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