David Herbert’s Best Home Cooking Review
Summary: David Herbert’s Best Home Cooking is a true tome of amazing recipes that can easily be replicated in the kitchen!
In this world of Paleo diets, healthy quinoa salads and scientifically created meals for modern living, sometimes flavour and normality have been taken out of the food equation. Thankfully David Herbert has come to the rescue with 200 of his most popular recipes from his column from The Weekend Australian Magazine to give readers some amazing cooking variety in their home kitchens.
Extremely well written with easy to understand recipes, the book is accompanied by some beautiful photos of the foods showcased in the book which really helps in recreating these dishes in the humble home kitchen. David also splits the book into ten sections that include the following food groups;
- Snacks and Party Foods
- Salads and Salsas
- Soups
- Pasta and Rice
- Vegetables and Pulses
- Seafood
- Poultry and Game
- Beef, Lamb and Pork
- Desserts
- Baking
Needless to say, the diversity of recipes in this book is quite broad, so it caters for a wide cohort of tastes or those cooks who like to experiment in the kitchen.
However before you jump straight into these wonderful recipes, the book contains an Introduction from David who talks about his favourite two ingredients which are lemons and oil plus how he became involved in The Weekend Australian Magazine. He also highlights to the reader that he is not a chef but rather a cook which really makes the contents of this book quite accessible and more importantly, achievable to create.
Some of the recipes that I tried in this book included Tomato Soup with Avocado Salsa, Tandoori Chicken Pieces, All in One Chicken Couscous and the Best-Ever Brownies. Interestingly enough, all the recipes turned out well, especially the All in One Chicken Couscous which is simply to die for. In terms of layout, the recipes have a brief introduction about the food that will be prepared, what ingredients are needed and then simple numbered instructions. It’s very easy to follow!
Final Thoughts?
If there is one cooking book that you buy in 2015, then I believe David Herbert’s Best Home Cooking should be that book because the diversity of recipes is quite amazing and contains a variety of different food groups from soups to mains and even cakes. Sure, some of the recipes may be a bit of a hit and miss but with practice and some experimentation, you can easily replicate these delicious foods.
Recommended to all lovers of good food and kudos to David Herbert for collating the information in one accessible book.