Dark Art of Skyrim Competition – Top five ANZ artist entries shortlisted for voting!
At the start of October we shared news of Bethesda ANZ’s “Dark Art of Skyrim” competition where one winner would have their original Elder Scrolls art painted as a huge mural in Caledonian Lane, Melbourne. Sharing the below as we think the submissions would make a great gallery/art article celebrating ANZ talent!
We now have a shortlist of the top five, currently up for fan voting to decide the winning entry. There are some excellent pieces submitted by the ANZ Elder Scrolls community, drawing inspiration from the iconic frosty north of Skyrim.
Shortlisted artists (below) and their submissions can be found below;
You can visit the Facebook post to vote for your favourite here: https://www.facebook.com/elderscrollsonline.anz/posts/1278523832546290
Voting closes November 9th at 12:00pm AEDT.