Danielle DeNicola Intervew
Welcome back to Impulse Gamer Danielle! You’ve cosplayed quite a few new characters since we spoke to you last, so tell us what inspired you to become a rather sexy Velma from Scooby Doo?
Hey there, it’s good to be back! As a child of the 90’s, I wanted to pay homage to all of the shows that were such a huge part of my childhood. One day Velma called out to me and I listened to my gut. :)
Tell us about your swimsuit Terra cosplay?
I created a number of swimsuit cosplays for the water park convention I attended in Ohio called Colossal Con. Everything was a hit and I had SO much fun! We had a whole Teen Titan group, and Starfire had painted her WHOLE BODY ORANGE… it was glorious.
For 2017, who has been your favourite character that you cosplayed and why?
So far, I think my favorite character to portray has been Junko from Danganronpa. It’s almost a Harley Quinn-like confidence you get when you put on the costume and embody such a deranged and thrilling character. The shoots are fun, the photos are fun, everything about it is just a great time.
Now that Metroid Prime has been announced, will we see you bring out Samus again?
Definitely! I can’t wait to wear Zero Suit again, I’m itching. ;)
What are you currently playing at the moment?
I’m currently all about Hearthstone, especially being on the move and traveling so much. Since it’s portable, it’s easy to bring with me anywhere. I’m gonna hit legend one day soon!!!
Have you gotten into VR yet?
Not yet! Since dot Hack was one of my favorite video games growing up and then watching Sword Art Online in my adulthood, VR gives me chills haha.
Speaking of gaming, tell us about your awesome The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild cosplay?
Thanks! I did do a Breath of the Wild cosplay recently, also for Colossal Con. I was told about the ‘legendary’ field behind the convention center and to bring something sort of majestic and flowy. I figured the white dress Zelda wears in the game would be perfect, so I threw together the armor pieces the week before and brought it with me! It was my first experience with elf ears haha, it was interesting.
How has Twitch been this year for you?
AMAZING! I recently announced becoming an Affiliate with them, but I have even better news I’ve been waiting to announce, that I’m actually a Twitch PARTNER now through their creative platform. I couldn’t be more excited.
Who else do you hope to cosplay this year?
I’m currently working on re-making my Female Genji from Overwatch, but I have this huge pair of elf ears now, so you can expect a few things out of those. :)
What are you most looking forward to about San Diego Comic-Con this year?
Believe it or not, I’ve never been to SDCC. I’ve heard it’s very difficult to cosplay there because of the insane amount of attendees so if I do go one day, I’ll certainly but going in civilian attire!
Lastly Danielle, where’s the best place that fans can find you on the net?
I am most active on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter! Those links are:
You can find me streaming live on Twitch at Twitch.tv/danielle_denicola
Last, if you want to support my endeavors, you can join my Patreon team at Patreon.com/danielledenicola or purchase prints online at danielledenicola.storenvy.com!