
Published on May 28th, 2024 | by Howard Smith

Count Crowley: Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter #3 Review

Unfolding Nightmares

After a run-in with Richard Barnes, Jerri gets a nice break from monster hunting for a little while. Learning more about her new position as Count Crowley and her anointed status she continues to hold up the mantle and give her brother’s show much-needed attention. Count Crowley: Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter #3 seems like a resting period for Jerri and the readers, but it’s far from it as Oscar draws nearer. Jerri learns a new revelation about how her brother and the station from her sister-in-law. Vincent has a mental breakdown but returns to normal to reveal the tale of the Boonville Spook. Jerri finds herself once again being schooled by Vincent in the ways of monster hunting but tells him about two feathers Barnes holds in his possession. What this will mean remains to be seen. For now, Jerri must worry about the coming threat approaching her way.

The evolving story of Count Crowley continues to be a refreshing take on monster hunting. David Dastmalchian (The Last Comic Book on the Left) entertains readers with his kind of storytelling in Count Crowley: Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter #3 with a knack for character development. When Jerri first started it seemed like she was in for a rude awakening that might have ended in her death as the main protagonist. However, Dastmalchian has written about her with such elegance that it’s hard to not find her journey as one of the good guys as a pure representation of what it might look like if creatures of the night truly existed. Despite Jerri’s experience so far, it’s evident that she is getting better and better with each new skill and or interaction she faces. Whereas she is belittled by Vincent she rises to the occasion regardless of if she is a woman. Dastmalchian allows readers to breathe and adjust to Jerri’s current point in time but then pulls the reader back into its crazy world. If there is more to say about Dastmalchian’s work, it’s a joy to read and a break from mainstream comic books.

The interior artwork and exterior cover provided by Lukas Ketner (Kill the Minotaur) uphold the constant vibe of creepiness and adventure in Count Crowley: Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter #3. Ketner’s work appears to be a progressive flow of interesting visual images. His panel work adds value that would otherwise be lost if done by another artist instead of him. The level of detail Ketner applies to the comic book hints at him enjoying what he illustrates. While Ketner’s artistic expression gives readers a sense of creative freedom, his background work adds another level of spatial awareness. In these terms, readers understand that Jerri, Vincent, Oscar, and others are in a place of physical placement but what goes unnoticed are the extra details in the background of the pages. Ketner doesn’t have to add more than he’s required, but he makes sure that if a reader blinks they’ll miss it. This is the interestingly cool aspect of Ketner’s artwork, which plays a fantastic part in Dastmalchian’s story thus far.

Correspondingly, Lauren Affe (The Paybacks, Five Ghosts, Buzzkill) as the colorist for this wonderful series is handled professionally exquisite. The color performance is astounding and readers can feel the mood of the comic book as they read its contents. The coloring work for Count Crowley: Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter #3 in Affe’s hands is a blessing because she understands what this series needs to capture. She understands the task that has been given to her and succeeds in doing so. As there are a lot of moments in the comic book Affe can coordinate colors to bring out the best each panel has to offer.

Speaking of having something to offer, Frank Cvetkovic (Titans: Beast World Tour, Toxic Summer, Lost Boy) as the letterer remains solid in delivery. It’s important to note that Cvetkovic wants readers to be able to transition smoothly without the artwork being obstructed by dialogue or captions within the panels. Accordingly, Cvetkovic places said lettering in fairly suitable positions in the comic book to allow readability. His sound effects in the comic book as well are always a unique touch.

Overall, Count Crowley: Mediocre Midnight Monster Hunter #3 is a pleasant read that most readers interested in the occult would enjoy. Jerri is still learning the ropes of being a monster hunter, but that’s if she can last that long in this line of work. If you want something different and strangely good pick this issue up at your local comic book store or where copies are sold online. You don’t want to miss the next issue!

Comic Details

Writer: David Dastmalchian

Artist: Lukas Ketner

Colors: Lauren Affe

Letters: Frank Cvetkovic

Editor: Megan Walker

Publisher: Dark Horse Comics

Release Date: April 10, 2024


About the Author'

Howard is a passionate collector and avid reader of comics who resides in the city of Washington, D.C. His love for all things pop culture extends beyond the pages of comics, as he attends popular culture conventions both locally and out of state. Whether he’s searching for rare comic finds or engaging in video games, or reading manga he manifests an opportunity to celebrate his fandom. Follow along as he explores the worlds of superheroes, sci-fi, and beyond, always with a keen eye for adventure and a deep appreciation for the art of storytelling.

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