Q: Hey Alice. You are the new cast member of the Star Trek franchise. Were your
cast-mates kind to you, or did they haze you as a welcoming present?
A: (Laughs). I
can thankfully say there was no hazing, but being the new girl the first day did
seem like the first day of attending a new school. You know, that feeling
everyone else knows each other. But, by the time the first day was over the
nerves were gone and I felt part of the bunch. I did know Simon (Pegg) and
Benedict (Cumberbatch) previously, but they weren't there on the first day so I
was the only Brit.
Q: Like a lot of Hollywood sci-fi films, the script and storylines are
well-guarded secrets. Early on, how much did you know about the role? Did JJ
Abrams reveal much?
A: I was asked
to audition, I met and workshopped it with JJ. At first I didn't know the
character I would play was Dr Carol Marcus. I knew the character was a girl who
was struggling with her father. JJ explained the trajectory of the character,
although initially the script wasn't written. She was a complex character and it
largely came from the conflict she has with her father.

Q: What was it like when you received the call that you won the part?
A: I was
actually driving when JJ called. When I heard his voice my hands started to
shake and I had to pull over and he kept talking and talking and at one point I
had to say 'I'm so sorry, but are you offering me the job?' because he didn't
actually say it. He said, 'Yes, you have the job'. I was so happy … and
Q: You are the queen of joining successful franchises. We've seen you in Men in
Black 3 and Sex and the City 2.
A: Yeah, it's a
funny thing. I didn't plan for that. But I am part of these iconic franchises. I
loved being on both of them, especially Sex and the City.
Q: In the world of Star Trek, Dr Marcus is quite an important character.
A: She is. I
watched the 1982 movie when Bibi Besch played the role. Carol had Kirk's child.
I did ask JJ a lot of questions about it. We felt it was important to bring a
character in that was part of the Star Trek world, rather than invent someone.
Q: In Star Trek into Darkness, we don't see any romance between Kirk and Carol.
There's plenty of sexual tension. Do you think in the next one it'll heat up a
A: I don't know
(laughs). If there is another one, there could be.

Q: There's definitely talk of a third Star Trek film, although it looks like
there will be a new director with JJ going off to make Star Wars. Have you
received any indication that you'll be back for the third?
A: I'd love to
become an integral member of the crew. We'd miss JJ, but I'm sure he'd still be
involved as a producer and writer. It is an amazing group of people he has
assembled. Everyone collaborates and their aim is to make the best movie they
can. It is relentless collaboration.
Q: Tell us about Carol.
A: I liked how
determined and independent she is. At first you don't know what she is doing.
She is determined and tenacious. Her father is the admiral of the Star Fleet and
she knows something is awry on the Enterprise and manages to sneak her way on.
Q: You are English and Oxford educated, so it shouldn't be a surprise that Carol
has an English accent. But, Carol's dad is American. We've seen in plenty of
your other roles where you have an American accent. Why does Dr Marcus have a
British accent?
A: There was
actually a scene in the movie that was cut out. In it I explain to Kirk how I
was raised in England by my mother and my father was American. She is a
scientist and there is a stereotype that English are smarter than Americans, so
we played that up (laughs).

Q: There's been plenty of talk about the scene where Carol shows off plenty of
bare skin? Were you OK with that?
A: I was OK with
it. I felt really comfortable on the set. The guys were pretty revealing too
when they are in their tight uniforms.
Q: What was important to you in playing Dr Marcus?
A: I wanted to
bring truth to the role. It was great to play an intelligent woman who can
out-think the men. She was forthright and strong.
Q: Were you a Star Trek fan before you were cast?
A: My
grandfather was a huge fan of the original Star Trek TV series and I used to
watch it with him. He didn't like watching TV, but he loved Star Trek. At the
time I thought it was a bit slow. I just liked being with my grandfather. When I
got the part, I went back and watched the original series. I love the fact that
I am now part of it.

Q: So you wouldn't call yourself a Trekkie?
A: (Laughs) No.
A moderate Trekkie.

Q: Let's end on probably the most serious, probing question of all. Your hair in
the movie. Why did you go with the bob haircut?
A: A lot of
thought went into it actually (laughs). I discussed it with JJ and we wondered
how Carol would have her hair. It brought up all kinds of questions? Do you wash
your hair in space? So what we went with was the Vidal Sassoon 1960s bob.
Q: Good choice.
A: Thanks.

Star Trek Into Darkness
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