Synopsis: Rick Grimes, a local cop, and others
try to survive in a world plagued by zombies.
Don’t let the black and white art fool you. This
story is solid. It’s quite a damn good comic. That’s not something I
say often. Maybe I’m acting too jaded. I don’t know why I am. I
shouldn’t be. It hasn’t stopped me from seeing a good comic that
comes along in a blue moon. I’m glad. It shows there’s still some
hope here. The art helps roll the story along. Thankfully, it’s not
the type of story that relies on art to get by. It’s the type of
story where art complements the solid story. Kirkman knows how to
pick good artists. The touch of black and white was quite excellent.
The story moves well. I liked the pacing. It was
easy to move from panel to panel without feeling as if things jump
around. Too many comics jump around with the pacing. This one goes
around smooth. Almost as smooth as a baby’s behind. It has a natural
flow to it. The dialogue works well too. I’m glad I can understand
it without it being garbled in off-beat or distracting language.
This isn’t one of those wait and see comics. This
is one of those pick it up and enjoy the ride comics. I recommend
people to pick it up if you like a damn good zombie comic. It
doesn’t emphasize violence or campiness. It emphasizes characters.
It points toward the humanity or loss of humanity in a world plagued
with zombies. That’s what’s so damn cool about it. It makes casual
swearing in a comic review worth it.