The Days Missing: Kestus
mini-series concludes this month with issue 5.
The fifth issue of this historical adventure takes place in 2008.
Both Kestus and The Steward are keeping an eye on the Cern Super
Collider. Usually the precursor to some horrible event The Steward
has instead come to witness what should be a landmark in humanities
development, but things soon take a turn for the disastrous with the
events of that day having implications for the entire universe.

While issue 5 concludes the Kestus mini-series the story is
used superbly to set-up the next series. From the get go we are
introduced to a new, mysterious narrator who already knows how this
fateful day plays out. This foreshadowing of the story just helps to
build up the tension. Issue 5 also maintains a good pace. I was
expecting it to be all frantic and hard to follow, but time is taken
to build up to catastrophe and then Hester allows things to slow
down again to explore its ramifications.
As much as issue 5 is about the potential end of life as we know it,
it is also about the relationship between Kestus and The Steward.
Throughout the series the two have become more dependent on each
other and have even grown to love each other. It is The Stewards
intimate knowledge of Kestus, built up over the course of the
series, that tips him off and the nine panel page of Kestus and The
Steward deciding what to do after the disaster is a rather touching,
dramatic moment. I hope that when Days Missing returns the
effects of the Kestus mini-series are evident in The Steward
as it could open up a new layer to the character.
The art is superb once again. In particular the colorings of the
pages that represent the birth of a new universe are quite stunning,
while also capturing the beauty of the relationship between Kestus
and The Steward. The only issue with the art is the fight between
The Steward and one of Kestus's security guards didn't really flow
well. For instance he has his arm up but then in the next panel when
he strikes The Steward he struck him in an uppercut motion.
Issue 5 is a brilliant way to finish the Kestus storyline.
The relationship between Kestus and The Steward comes full circle
and is given as much attention as the main storyline while Phil
Hester sets up the next series quite well. A great series that you
should definitely buy in trade form if you haven’t got it already!