The smartest comic
book in circulation is back and it's gold! As if taken from some
groovy 70's TV show, "Cherry" is a high-adrenaline, car-chasing,
butt-kicking adventure, starring ladies man Clint Barton and
smart-mouthed Kate Bishop. Fraction's choice of bad guys is
Rather than using
some random thugs, he brings back the Russian dudes in tracksuits
from issue #1, and I believe this has to do with all the bantering
about their ceaseless "bro," because here they truly go overboard
with it; their presence, however, conveys that sense of
world-building for the title, and that's worth their annoying habit.

From Kate's
sarcastic comments, to the trick arrows, to the ingenious dialog,
and of course David Aja and Matt Hollingsworth's stellar artwork,
there is nothing else one could ask from this book, except maybe
that a new issue came out every week. Oh, and that new take on full
frontal nudity? Priceless!