Synopsis: Cassie Hack is the lone survivor of an
attack by a slasher called The Lunch Lady…a slasher who happened to
be her mother. Now she travels the world with her monstrous partner
and friend Vlad, hunting down and destroying slashers wherever they
find them.
The art is good, but it could be better. The
cover has poor anatomy. Her legs look awkward. The right leg looks
out of proportion. The left leg has poor foreshortening. In trying
to emphasize her bad girl sex appeal, the artist messed up in the
perspectives. Inside, it looks like he does better. It’s quite
clear. That’s a good sign.
The story may be lacking though. It’s basically a
play on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It involves cute chicks
finding themselves in violent situations. I’m guessing that’s all
the author is banking on. The story lacks versatile characters or
thought-provoking situations. It’s funny how the majority of women
seem to be hot chicks. Don’t ugly women get chased by slashers too?
Good story for those comic geeks who just wanna
see hot chicks kill things. It has potential to get deep or
interesting so I wouldn’t throw it away too quickly. It already
seems to have somewhat of a fan base. It’s just a matter of time
before the story develops.