The final battle
against Invictus as the dissolution of the current incarnation of
the New Guardians unfolds. While confronting guardian Sayd for her
methods and Larfleeze for... well, being Larfleeze, Kyle and his
companions come face to face with the archangel from Vega for the
last time in an effort that could be considered the ultimate
collaboration, and pretty much what this year of stories has slowly
been leading to; the entire issue is a visual delight.

What comes completely out of the blue and in direct contradiction to
what the series has been about, is the team splitting up. The
relationships that were simmering for 12 issues, the dynamics, and
even the inner conflicts, all come crumbling down in the last page
in order to set a blank slate for the second year of the title. A
disservice to the characters, and the readers who were vested on