Synopsis: Ebony Hide is an Elephantman, a
super-human created to destroy humanity. When he meets a small girl,
his world changes, and he is haunted by the past he cannot escape.
Wow, the art here is detailed like you wouldn’t
believe. It looks like the artist didn’t want to go overboard. He
put just the right touch here. Sometimes an art can be good, but off
the wall. This art is actually quite stunning. I’d recommend this
story for the art alone, probably. It doesn’t clutter. It’s striking
in the way it works wonders on the eye. I’d love to shake the hand
of the man who drew it. He seems sure of his hand. That’s the best
part of it.
The story is quite unique. Whether or not I like
it, I have to admit it’s pretty strange. I’ll admit the story of
genetically-altered human beings is far from new. However, using
animals is a nice touch. I can only think of the Teenage Mutant
Ninja Turtles when it comes to using genetically-altered animals
as part of a storyline, and doing it well. Elephantmen jumps
out at me because it stands alone on that concept. More stories
should take a leap into creativity, rather than rehashing the same
old clichés ad nausea.
Elephantmen has
got its own fan base. Many people really like it. I am one of them.
The pacing works well, though it could be better. A complaint I have
is sometimes the panels seem cluttered. It doesn’t flow well many
times. It would be best for the story to take it’s time. It seems to
be rushing way too often. I find myself confused at places.
Thankfully, it doesn’t happen often. I recommend this for those
desiring something new in comics without it being new for the sake
of being new.