Batman and Robin
have a rare bonding experience while sharing what one would call a
mundane father-son moment: watching a solar eclipse... from space!
The exchange Bruce and Damian have is almost too nice to believe;
for two entire pages they actually have a conversation without
either one ruining it with some crude remark; they also go through
another rite of passage: dad lets junior drive... the skyrocket!

Other than this huge
characterization sequence, the story is kind of bad, centering
around an unexpected zombie attack in Gotham. In an effort to tie it
in with Death in the Family, the issue makes a mess of the timeline;
acknowledging the return of Joker and hinting at Alfred's
disappearance, the plot still does not fit with the events in the
main Batman title. The shared pencils make for a brusque transition
from inked artwork to non-inked, and there are a couple of campy
moments not seen since the 80's Saturday cartoons.