Clobberin’ Time #2 Review (2023)
Summary: Still fun as much as punching things can be. Benn Grimm does not grow mushrooms as is shown on the cover it is just the most shocking image they picked.
Wolverine and Ben Grimm travel to special symposium on Krakoa where Ben is the guest speaker, only to have the baddie who attacked them in issue 1 turn up again and invade the island with robots. There is something going on and they aim to get to the bottom of it.
While there is not as much clobberin’ in this issue there is still enough and some more context to the story. I liked the part where Ben Grimm sticks his head through a closing portal long enough to learn the bad guys’ plans, they get quite annoyed at him for that.
This is a fun series and I am looking forward to seeing how it continues. Not sure how long it is going to go for but at least is a relief from all the dour apocalypse timeline ending multiverse crossover storylines that have infested the release schedule for the last few years.
Comic details:
Writer: Steve Skroce
Penciler: Steve Skroce
Cover Artist: Steve Skroce
Publisher: Marvel
Published: April 26, 2023