
Published on July 12th, 2016 | by Admin

Christopher Tin Composing Title Theme For Sid Meier’s Civilization VI

2K and Firaxis Games today announced Christopher Tin is the composer of the title theme for Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, launching on October 21st for Windows PC.

Famed for his composing of the only piece of video game music to win a Grammy Award, the title theme to Sid Meier’s Civilization IV ‘Baba Yetu’, Tin returns to the franchise to compose for Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, called ‘Sogno di Volare’ (The Dream of Flight). 

“I wanted to write a piece that captured the essence of exploration”, said two time Grammy Award winning composer Christopher Tin, “both the physical exploration of seeking new lands, but also the mental exploration of expanding the frontiers of science and philosophy.”

The world premiere of ‘Sogno di Volare’ will take place at the Cadogan Hall in London, England on July 19th. Tin will be accompanied by Britain’s National Orchestra, The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, The Angel City Chorale (US), Prima Vocal Ensemble (UK) and Lucis (UK). Alongside the performance of ‘Sogno di Volare’ will be a rendition of ‘Baba Yetu’, making this event unmissable for any fan of the Civilization series.

Tickets for the event can be found here:

For the latest news on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, visit the official site, follow @CivGame on Twitter, subscribe at and become a fan of Civilization on Facebook.

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