Celebrities Walk4BrainCancer around Australia this November
Thousands of Australians will join celebrities, elite athletes, politicians and philanthropists to Walk4BrainCancer this November at organised walks around the country, to raise funds for research into brain cancer. Brain cancer kills more children in Australia than any other disease. It also takes more Australians in their prime (under 40) than any other cancer.
The family fun days are organised by Cure Brain Cancer Foundation, founded by neurosurgeon Charlie Teo, who will personally lead walks in Sydney and Adelaide as well as beachside walks at Manly and Cronulla.
High profile Australians who have also signed up to walk at various locations in November include Wallaby captain Stephen Moore, Wallaroo Louise Burrows, the Waratahs, Manly Sea Eagles, Cronulla Sharks, Zali Steggall, Richard Wilkins, Jim Wilson, Hugh Riminton, Chris Smith, Holly Brisley, Giovanni Pilu, Rebecca Morse and more.
26 October 10.00am at Birmingham Gardens
26 October 8.30am at New Farm Park
2 November at 10.00am at Centennial Park
2 November 12.00pm at Dru Point Centennial Park, Margate
9 November 10.00am at Sir James Mitchell Park, South Perth
23 November 10.00am at Central Park, Malvern East
23 November 9.00am at Harold & Cynthia Anderson Reserve, West Beach
30 November at 10.00am at Shelly Beach
30 November at 2.00pm at Don Lucas Reserve
30 November 9.30am at Stromlo Forest Park
Registered walkers who raise more than $200 for brain cancer research are automatically in the running to WIN a five star luxury trip to Queenstown in New Zealand staying at The Rees Residences on the shores of Lake Wakatipu.
Website for registration and information: