Celebrate World of Warcraft with a special episode of WOWCast!
As Azeroth’s heroes continue forging their way through the depths of Khaz Algar in The War Within, a celebration is on the horizon as World of Warcraft approaches its 20-year anniversary!
While the official milestone lands in November 2024, executive producer Holly Longdale and other members of the development team join community manager Bethany Stout on a special episode of WoWCast to share details of what players can expect in game with content update 11.0.5, which will soon hit the public test realm (PTR).
You can watch the WoWCast episode here on YouTube.
Content update 11.0.5 will also bring additional changes and features for players to enjoy, including class balance updates, new quests and the expansion of the Dracthyr race into six new combat classes like rogue, mage and priest.