Is Skynet real?
June 25th, 2015 | by Admin
Examine the facts and decide for yourself. Use the timeline and soak up all of the Skynet knowledge you can…before ...
June 25th, 2015 | by Admin
Examine the facts and decide for yourself. Use the timeline and soak up all of the Skynet knowledge you can…before ...
June 24th, 2015 | by Admin
Arnie vs Arnie – This is going to be epic! Check out this clip of original Arnie vs new Arnie!...
June 24th, 2015 | by Damien Straker
Tom Holland (pictured) Cast as the Web-Slinger and Jon Watts to Direct the Next Spider-Man Adventure, Set for Release July ...
June 24th, 2015 | by Damien Straker
Dendy Direct launches Chromecast and Offline Playback support for iOS and Android devices and Samsung Smart TV app Dendy Direct ...
June 22nd, 2015 | by Damien Straker
Chief Inspector George Gently in a maelstrom of murders and mayhem in the swinging sixties Label: RLJ Entertainment Australian release date: ...
June 22nd, 2015 | by Damien Straker
Be sure to tune in to the live stream event from the set of Roland Emmerich’s sequel to INDEPENDENCE DAY ...
June 22nd, 2015 | by Damien Straker
Reviewed by Damien Straker on June 21st, 2015 Icon presents a film by Bill Pohlad Produced by Bill Pohlad, Claire Rudnick ...
June 21st, 2015 | by Damien Straker
Reviewed by Damien Straker on June 21st, 2015 Fox presents a film by Thomas Vinterberg Produced by Andrew Macdonald and Allon ...
June 21st, 2015 | by Nicki Newton-Plater
Reviewed by Nicki Newton-Plater on 20th June 2015 Walt Disney Pictures presents a film by Pete Docter and Ronaldo De Carmen Produced by Jonas Rivera, ...
June 20th, 2015 | by Damien Straker
HE NAMED ME MALALA is an intimate portrait of Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Malala Yousafzai, who was targeted by the ...