A.G. RIDDLE’s novel DEPARTURE developed by Century Fox for feature film
October 6th, 2015 | by Admin
The movie Oblivion meets the TV show LOST Struggling to stay alive, the survivors soon realize that the world they’ve ...
October 6th, 2015 | by Admin
The movie Oblivion meets the TV show LOST Struggling to stay alive, the survivors soon realize that the world they’ve ...
October 4th, 2015 | by James Wright
Ghostly is a collection of classic and modern ghost tales collated by best-selling author Audrey Niffenegger (The Time Traveller’s Wife) ...
October 2nd, 2015 | by Adam Atkinson
Welcome back to Indie Comic Corner, the comic review where we look for the indie comics that want/need a little ...
September 29th, 2015 | by Tory Favro
I loved the idea for this book and was so pleased when DK saw fit to sling me a copy ...
September 28th, 2015 | by Admin
Award-winning writer and film producer Mark Millar is launching a worldwide talent search for new artists and writers, so budding ...
September 23rd, 2015 | by Admin
Having been a DC Comics fan since I was a kid, I rarely ventured into the Marvel Universe of comics. ...
September 23rd, 2015 | by Admin
Star Wars Absolutely Everything You Need to Know has been dubbed a journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens and ...
September 23rd, 2015 | by Adam Atkinson
Welcome back comic fans, to another review of our favorite comics. This week we will be going over Tokyo Ghost, ...
September 20th, 2015 | by Tony Smith
Star Wars Aftermath is dubbed as a journey to Star Wars: The Force Awakens and is written by author Chuck ...
September 17th, 2015 | by Adam Atkinson
Welcome back to another review of an indie comic series. This week we are focusing on Vice, which is the ...