Calling in all e-waste this Christmas
With the flow of new gadgets expected this festive season, the official recycling program of the mobile phone industry in Australia has a sobering message.
A study conducted by not-for-profit mobile phone recycler MobileMuster shows that over a third (41%) of Australian’s have or were thinking of purchasing, a new mobile over Christmas, and nearly half of all Australians are going to buy, or consider buying a new mobile during the summer sales.
There are fears that Australia’s current stockpile of old, unused mobile phones of 23 million is set to explode over the festive season. MobileMuster’s e-waste recycling expert Rose Read is urging all Australians to recycle their excessive e-waste safely, ethically and for free with the recycling program.
For more information on MobileMuster and how you can recycle your old mobile easily and for free, visit: