Cakes by ChoppA Interview (VidCon Australia 2018)
We catch-up with Cakes by ChoppA who’s become an internet cake god and more importantly, he’ll be at VidCon in Melbourne this year!
What’s your favourite cake recipe?
If I was being completely honest, I don’t like cake! Weird right? But My Devils food Cake recipe is the bomb so I would have to choose that one.
Most difficult?
Yeah that title goes to the 3D Mickey mouse cake, structurally that was a bit of a challenge because his ears and face were so heavy. However I pushed through and was pretty happy with the result.
Tell us your easiest cake to make.
The Emoji cake is probably the easiest one – it’s pretty much a flat circle and some small details. Plus it’s a really good starter cake that will help you get a feel for working with fondant.
What drew you to sharing your knowledge all around the world?
I love to create, be it drawing, painting, sculpting, pretty much anything with my hands. So naturally I was putting my skills to use on youtube and cake seemed to really strike interest.
When I worked out that I could show others how to make it and offer templates for people to print at home, it was the best thing ever!
Advice to people wanting to create content?
Just do it! Share your passions / skills. When it’s something you truly love, your passion will shine through and people are naturally drawn to that.
Don’t sweat the small stuff, you WILL get better and people love to share in that journey, I started with two $5 lamps and a cybershot camera that only recorded 9 minutes of footage at a time.
Highlight of career?
I’m gonna be cheeky and share two, for different reasons.
First was making a cake for Jenna Marbles and getting the opportunity to give it to her in person.
I had watched her on youtube for years so it was my way to thank her for entertaining me.
Second was getting to visit Charm City Cakes (Ace Of Cakes tv show) They were so generous and let me visit the store and make a video with Geof Manthorne.
That was such a fun day, and hearing that Geof had learned tips from me literally blew my mind.
Did you have any lows?
Naturally I’m a happy go lucky kind of guy, but it can really test you when you have spent 3 hours working on a free standing 3D AT-AT walker ginger bread model and just as you finish…one leg gives out and it goes crashing off the bench onto the kitchen floor (before I had even taken photos)
What are you looking forward to at VidCon Australia this year?
Vidcon creates so many amazing experiences, and everyones experience is unique.
I made new friends (Shout out to Hannah Darkling) she’s incredible…subscribe!
Last year I was just so proud to see my friends getting to share their talents, moments like Damielou singing an original song and brining the house down, to Draw with Jazza making art whilst singing, playing the drums and keyboard at the same time…literally gave me chills.
Finally, do you ever check out your followers’ pages?
Oh all the time! The community we share is what makes the whole journey amazing!
Hannah from Storytale Cakes was a follower of mine, she came to Vidcon last year and we ended up filming a collaboration together!
I think its pretty safe to say we are now life long friends!
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