Raymond E. Feist returns with the final volume of the
Chaoswar Saga which will also be the last time he visits the
wondrous world of Midkemia and its colourful characters
of magicians, elves, gods and dragons. Continuing from the
previous two novels which saw Pug reunited with the demon called
Child who had the memories of his deceased wife Miranda imbedded
into her mind, some of Midkemia's most powerful magic users have
banded together to fight the ultimate darkness... a collective
entity known as The Dread!
Unlike previous terrors which threatened Midkemia, this ancient
darkness now threatens the very fabric of not just the world but
the universe as this planet has become the battlegrounds. To
compound the situation, a violent civil war threatens to destroy
the Kingdom as Prince Edward attempts to hold a group of
claimants to the thrown at bay. Supported by the relatives of
the original Jimmy the Hand and Arutha conDoin,
they use every piece of guile they can muster to prevent Oliver
from proclaiming himself King.
However as
the Kingdom tears itself apart, the darkness that threatens the
universe is being held at bay by the Star Elves in their city of
E'Bar. Unfortunately as the creatures from the darkness seep out
of a magic dome that holds them at bay, their ranks are being
devastated. Fortunately their plight is heard by Brendan
conDoin, who informs the magicians of Sorcerer's Isle and the
elves (Eledhel) to this danger. Two of the Star Elves or the
Taredhel have even managed
to summon the dreaded Moredhel, the Dark Elves to their quandary
as Liallan, the leader of the Snow Leopards offers her clan to
prevent the end of everything.
Also joining them is Tomas, a human who has been given the
powers of the Valheru, an ancient and powerful race who almost
challenged the gods themselves as he fights for dear life
against another Valheru while the Dragon Host inform him that
Tomas must die for Ashen-Shugar to be free. However the two most
powerful magic users of Midkemia are lost, Pug and his son
Magnus who hold the key to Midkemia's fate. Together they are
joined by two demons who hold the memories, personalities and
even the appearance of their loved ones, Miranda and Nakor. As
they investigate the upper realms, they are joined by Macros the
Black who takes them on a wondrous and metaphysical journey in
order for them to have the skills and understanding of how to
defeat this eternal darkness.
What makes Magician's End so enthralling is that the entire
storyline of this series has been accumulating to this titanic
conclusion. Another interesting element of this novel is that
Feist reintroduces some characters who have been long dead and
although they play only cameos in the story, their importance in
the philosophical journey for Pug, Magnus, Miranda and Nakor
helps them understand something they have forgotten. The linking
of these forgotten and deceased characters almost serves as a
bookend to the original novel, The Magician which was published
over 30 years ago.
Apart from tying up lose ends in this series and some truly
excellent characterisation, Feist throws a few powerful curve
balls in the story such as the pantheon of gods and Macros who
once again plays the puppet muster. Like previous novels, Feist
successfully manages to juggle the mortals with the immortals
and characters like Hal ConDoin and Jim Dasher who even with
their non-existent powers still manage to play the game with the
big guns such as Pug and Magnus.
Final Chapter
As a fan of Midkemia, I sincerely hope that Feist revisits this
universe one day. Even though there are a few cringe worthy
elements in the conclusion of this vast universe, it's easily
one of the better books in the series which also gives an ending
that should satisfy most fans of Feist. There are several
standout moments in the book that will make you think wow so
back and enjoy the final rollercoaster ride of the Chaoswar
Highly Recommended and thanks for 30 years of fantastic stories
Raymond E. Feist!