Bonus Stage: A Live Gaming Talk Show (The E3 Edition)
E3 is over and everybody is exhausted, right?
Well why not give yourself a night off to celebrate it (a week late) at Bonus Stage! Bonus Stage is a live video game talk show, hosted by Carlo Ritchie (The Bear Pack) and Ben O’Brien (Big Head Mode). But every quest needs companions, so they won’t be alone, with a variety of special guests from the worlds of comedy and gaming. There’ll be sketches, Cosplay, gaming, appearances from REAL video game characters & our resident musical masterminds, Benny Davis (The Axis of Awesome) and the Triforce! And of course, after the show is done, you can join us in the foyer for some video games, Cards Against Humanity & drinks while the game tunes keep playing.
There’s no other event like it and it’s the perfect place for gamers to gather and discuss E3 over a few beers and a game of Mario Kart! Also Starring Michael Hing (‘Well Played’/Good Game, Real Life Space Wizard) Rae Johnston (Kotaku, Gizmodo, Lifehacker, Wonder Woman) Seaton Kay-Smith (The Roast, Paper Moose) Definitely not Hideo Kojima (Not Silent Hills) and a MYSTERY Gaming Icon (Lets just say his name rhymes with Shmeter Shmolyneux) WHERE: Giant Dwarf Theatre, 199 Cleveland St, Redfern, Sydney
WHEN: Wednesday, June 24th, 7:30pm