Searching for Sugar Man

years in the making and winner of the 2013 Academy Award for Best
Documentary, Searching for Sugar Man combines all that’s best
about the documentary genre - diligent research, heartfelt subject
matter, an inherent air of mystery - into one of the most well-rounded
and uplifting films of the past year.
movie charts the apparent disappearance of musician Sixto Rodriguez, who
produced two little-known folk albums in the early 1970s before fading
into obscurity. Rumours abounded of his apparent onstage demise - one
telling had him pulling out a gun and committing suicide before a
shocked audience, and in another more lurid version he set himself on
fire as an apparent protest against his poor album sales and lack of
recognition. Rumours of his demise notwithstanding, Rodriguez’ albums
Cold Fact and Coming from Reality were surprise sleeper
hits in apartheid-era South Africa, where their drug- and
freedom-fuelled counter culture anthems struck a chord with a population
living in enforced subservience to a racist police state.

Determined to tell the story of the greatest 1970s rock icon that never
was, Swedish filmmaker Malik Bendjelloul teamed up with a pair of avid
South African fans to determine exactly what had become of the man who
sold an estimated 500,000 records in that country alone, but about whom
seemingly nothing was known.
end result is a startlingly engaging portrait of a musician who
abandoned his craft at the height of his powers, and an all too familiar
tale of record company chicanery, lost royalty checks and the uneasy
relationship between art and commerce. To go into any more depth is to
spoil the surprise, but with a brilliant soundtrack, lush cinematography
and a couple of eminently worthwhile bonus features, Madman have
certainly done a brilliant job of bringing this unmissable doco to local
Bonus Features
Of Featurette (31 mins)
Roderiguez Live Performance of ‘Sugar Man’
Theatrical Trailer