I originally saw this
movie at IMAX and thoroughly enjoyed this instalment of Harry Potter and
revisiting it again on Blu-ray left me with the same emotions and
enjoyment levels. However there are a few things that I need to get off
my chest about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows PART ONE! First,
director David Yates and friends did a wonderful job at recreating the
final novel to film, however this movie has quite a bit of “filler” to
it. At times, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One reminds of
The Lord of the Rings where Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee keep walking
and walking and walking. This in turn is replicated by Harry and
Hermione as they continue to evade the Death Eaters and look for a way
to destroy the Horcrux. Second, with some careful editing, I personally
believe that the final book could have been sustained as one movie and
Hollywood reasoning aside, this would have been possible. Although I’m
sure the “box office” was happy to split the movie, even though it was a
little long. Lastly, this highlights the problem of splitting the final
book into two movies because just when the movie has captured you, hook,
line and sinker, it ends and thankfully, they refrained from displaying
the words “… to be continued” like Back to the Future 2. So enough
rambling… what about the movie?

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part One was a decent movie which
once again came to life on Blu-ray and unlike the previous films which
revolved around Hogwarts, we now see a bigger world of magic and some of
the questions from Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince are finally
answered… even though more questions are thrown into the mix. It works
well though. As just about everyone in the world has read Harry Potter,
I’ll still keep the spoilers to a minimum but the story begins with a
bang as a group of close magical associates to Harry plan on getting him
to safety in order to avoid the all seeing eyes of Voldermort.
Unfortunately things go awry and after a certain wedding gets
interrupted, Harry, Ron and Hermione decided to take matters into their
own hands by searching for the remaining Horcruxes of Voldermort which
are littered throughout the lands. Not only are these items the key to
Voldermort’s power, they must somehow be destroyed in order to end the
terror of Harry’s nemesis. This is where the Deathly Hallows comes into
play, three magical items created by Death and Voldermort wants control
of one of them. Through a carefully scripted CGI animated moment in the
film, Hermione recounts the story of the Deathly Hallows and how three
brothers attempted to cheat death. In return, they were given a
resurrection stone, a cloak of invisibility and an unbeatable wand.
Voldermort of course is after the wand to finally defeat his thorn,
Harry James Potter! Even if you have read the novels, you will still be
enthralled by this movie and best of all, it’s still quite accessible to
those who have never touched a J.K. Rowling book.
The characterisation between the three protagonists, Harry (Daniel
Radcliffe), Hermione (Emma Watson) and Ron (Rupert Grints) is a treat to
watch and more significantly, these young actors have truly blossomed as
actors in their own right. The star of Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows Part One is Hermione. As opposed to the brash, comical and
headstrong Harry and Ron, Hermione is their light and sense of reason.
She also steals many of the scenes in this movie that really pull at
your emotionally heartstrings such as asking Harry to stay with her to
grow old or making her parents forget that she ever existed. It’s the
scenes like this that make Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows such a
good movie but let’s not forget the villains!

Another interesting performance is Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix
Lestrange, the vile witch of Voldermort. There is quite a disturbing
scene with Ballatrix and Hermione near the climax of the movie and if
ever there was an actress to play this character, Bonham Carter nails it
perfectly. The villains are definitely more vile in this instalment of
Harry Potter and we even see quite a bit more of Voldermort... bless his
cold hearted soul. The character Rufus Scrimgeour (Bill Nighy) sums up
this movie perfectly and to quote a line, “these are dark times… there’s
no denying” which mirrors the torturous scene at Lucius Malfoy's Castle
as Voldermort orders his viper Nagini to consume Muggle Studies teacher
Charity Burbage. Nagini has another awesome scene later on during the
movie which made almost everyone in the audience jump out of their seats
which was good timing. It may be dark but you're pretty much guaranteed
a resolution... with the soon to be released PART TWO which isn't a long
wait now.
Even though the movie is a little long (156 minutes), it is a well
written story and in all this darkness, there is still a touch of comedy
and some great character development which will guide you through this
movie. To compliment the wonderful trio of Radcliff, Watson and Grints,
there are some entertaining and sometimes over the top performances by
some of the more veteran actors such as John Hurt, Alan Rickman and
Ralph Fiennes as Voldermort.
Finally, you have the amazing sets, special effects and cinematography.
Director David Yates and co should be commended in bringing Harry Potter
and the Deathly Hallows to life. Not once was I bored while watching
this movie and it held my attention from the action packed beginning to
Voldermort’s victory scream at the end.

Of course on Blu-ray, you are treated to a visually superior movie that
dare I saw reeks of reference quality material with exceptional picture
quality <INSERT>, audio to die for <INSERT> and more importantly a
wealth of special features that will make even non-Harry Potter fans
smile like a Cheshire cat. Warner Bros. really pulled out all their
bells and whistles for this release that include a plethora of
additional scenes, a very cool tease of Harry Potter and the Deathly
Hallows Part 2 and my favourite, the maximum movie mode. This mode
allows you to watch the movie with interaction from some of the cast and
crew of the movie that takes you well behind the scenes and give you a
thorough insight into the Harry Potter universe. With even more
featurettes, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 is definitely a
must have a release for those fans of this amazing series. Highly
Special Features:
Additional Scenes:
- The Burrow's Shed: Ron Discusses Radios with Mr. Weasley
- The Dursley House: Harry and Aunt Petunia As They Leave House
- The Dursley House: Harry and Dudley Shake Hands
- The Granger House: Death Eaters Search Deserted Home
- Ministry of Magic Lifts: Harry Tells Arthur He's Being Tracked
- Tent: Trio Discusses Destroying The Locket
- Rabbit Chase in the Forest
- Montage: Ron and Hermione Skimming Stones
Exclusive Sneak Peek of a scene from the highly anticipated upcoming
film Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2.
Maximum Movie Mode - Join host Jason Isaacs (Lucius Malfoy), and other
members of the cast and crew, on an interactive journey through Harry
Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1. Plus, revisit important moments
from the previous films to prepare for the final battle that takes place
in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2.
Dan, Rupert and Emma's Running Competition - While filming the escape
scene from the Snatchers in Swinley Forest, Dan, Rupert and Emma engage
in a little competition of their own. With colourful commentary by
Director David Yates, see the competitive spirit on set and this
hilarious rivalry between the three leads.
The Seven Harry's - See how Daniel Radcliffe recreated the personalities
of the different characters that transform into Harry's in the hilarious
Privet Drive scene.
On the Green with Rupert, Tom, Oliver and James - Accompany Rupert Grint
(Ron Weasley), Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy), Oliver Phelps (George Weasley)
and James Phelps (Fred Weasley) for a round of golf and get a glimpse
into their 10-year friendship that developed while making the Harry
Potter films.
The Wizarding World of Harry Potter Promotional Trailer - Join Daniel
Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson and other cast members from the
Harry Potter films on their first visit to the Grand Opening of The
Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1: Behind the Soundtrack