Blue Mountain State: Season Two DVD Review
Summary: if you like to switch off your brain and just bathe in the absurd from time to time then Blue Mountain State’s second season will be a sound investment.
More Shenanigans.
Season Two of Blue Mountain State opens with one major difference evident right off the bat – Shilo no longer plays for the Goats. Due to some legal issues, Sam Jones III was unable to reprise his role so the show introduces, without much fanfare, a replacement character in the form of Radon Randall, played by Page Kennedy.
Radon’s personality is diametrically opposed to Shilo’s, falling more in step with Thad’s pursuits of ostentatious displays of physical and sexual prowess. Personally, I feel that Radon makes for a much more amusing character than the hapless Craig Shilo, who all too often played the straight man to the gang’s whacky antics. Radon, on the other hand, dives headfirst into the pool of insanity, parading around in only a football helmet and his underwear whilst hosting a call-in television show where he acts as an agony aunt for those seeking guidance, often with hilariously bad results.
Despite the casting changes, season two of Blue Mountain State offers up the same calibre of laughs as the previous season, with an even more increased focus on those characters in Alex Moran’s orbit, such as the drawling, ball sniffing kicker Harmon Tedesco, the sycophantic Larry and, most notably of all, Coach Marty Daniels (Ed Marinaro), whose personal issues and relationship with ex-wife Debra (Denise Richards) makes up a surprisingly large amount of this season.
This can be a good or bad thing depending on how much you warm to these characters – Whilst I found Harmon to be hilarious from the get go, the cantankerous and manipulative Daniels really took time to grow on me and even now I’m not entirely sure if his character entirely works.
Still, it’s a nice diversion from the endless boozing, bedding and brawling that the gang usually partakes in – There’s only so many times you can plonk your characters into the middle of a frat party and hope for the best. By far the most satisfying element of this season is the further exploration of Thad’s personal issues, with a hallucinogenic journey through his psyche making for a fun fantasy themed episode.
The plot elements are just as racy as you’d expect, with the gang having to contend with non-consensual rectal assault upon the field, a pregnancy scare, a stolen team mascot that kicks off a war with a rival school and, of course, their ever diminishing duties actually playing football.
As with the previous season, the quality of the episodes can be a little patchy here and there but overall the thirteen episodes included on this release make for goofy, raucous entertainment, which is the most important thing in the end.
Episode Listing:
- The Fingering
- Controversy
- Born again
- Pay for Play
- Pregnant
- Nerds
- Debra
- Vision Quest
- The Badger
- Hockey
- Drunk Tank
- Trap Game
- Riot
Special Features
Season two of Blue Mountain State comes with a collection of outtakes and deleted scenes that, much like the show, can be hit and miss in quality but are generally funny enough to warrant a viewing.
After the short commentary segment on the previous season I was hoping we’d get a full track or two dedicated to the episodes with the cast and crew but beggars can’t be choosers, I guess.
List of Features:
- Gag Reel
- Deleted Scenes
Final Thoughts
If you’re not a fan of arrogantly posturing fratboyish humour (Which I initially thought I wasn’t… Colour me Surprised) then Blue Mountain State will just seem like another frivolous puerile teen comedy but if you like to switch off your brain and just bathe in the absurd from time to time then Blue Mountain State’s second season will be a sound investment.
Sammy can be as horrendously unfunny as ever but the addition of his sister to the cast serves to soften the coarseness of his delivery somewhat and the stellar efforts of the rest of the cast, with Alan Ritchson’s Thad once again the standout performance and Kennedy’s Radon Randall adding a new dynamic between the characters that I much prefer over what Craig Shilo brought to the group, with his reluctant chastity woes quickly running out of steam and bordering on wearisome.
Recommended for those who count Animal House and Old School amongst the pantheon of comedy classics.
Film Genre – TV Comedy
Label – Via Vision Entertainment
Audio – English (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Running Time – 286 Minutes
Aspect Ratio – 1.78:1
Region Coding – 4
TV Standard – PAL
Rating – MA15+
Year of Release – 2011
Primary Format – DVD
Reviewer – Sean Warhurst