Summary: The Cabal and black cards are out, but what takes their place brings in a terrifying new foe and a collapsing society.
A pleasant rollercoaster ride of mayhem
One crisis after another as the Spider-Man of 2099 has more havoc than ever to contain.
Spinning out of Spider-Man 2099: Exodus, Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #1 follows up on the main webhead, Miguel O’Hara. He’s not alone in the city of Nueva York as Spider-Woman, who comes from another planet, accompanies him as his aid. After the major event that transpired in Spider-Man: Exodus, Miguel faces a more troubling dilemma that is causing chaos to break out in the city. Now that the black cards and The Cabal no longer play a factor in how society persisted it’s up to Spider-Man to help the denizens adjust to living again. Unfortunately, chaos brings a new meaning to terror as an unusual Carnage makes his bloody debut. Between a city on the verge of collapse and a rampaging monster on the loose, Miguel doesn’t back down. He’ll stop at nothing until he can bring his city peace and stop a bloodthirsty being.
Brought to you by a versatile writer in the comic book industry, Steve Orlando (Batman, Exorcists Never Die, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers) swings back into action as he continues to explore the twists and turns of Spider-Man from the universe of 2099. Orlando composes Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #1 as a story shackled by turmoil. Without the black cards, an entire city and way of life are in disarray. This puts Miguel in a position that not only is tough for him to solve but pushes him to think outside of the box. A way to grow and further expand with the mantle of Spider-Man. On top of that, he must deal with a monstrosity that’s out for blood and disorder. Orlando clearly knew where he was going with this story for Miguel. If it were only about trying to get people to see reason when they’ve lost their senses, it would have been a slight letdown. However, that’s far from the case and Orlando gives Miguel yet another hero’s obstacle. One he’ll have to be smart enough to determine for himself.
Accompanying Orlando on this tale, Justin Mason (The Mighty Barbarians, Radiant Black, Vampirella) produces amazing interior work. The action captures every intent Orlando sets out to tell. The flow of each panel helps guide the story fluidly. The craft of Mason’s work really shines in this comic book. From start to finish, Mason puts his best forward while giving readers satisfying visuals. There’s so much going on, but he takes the time to show us what’s important about his art through each passing moment. He doesn’t fail to put his genuine zest into the book itself. As an artist, Mason was the perfect choice for Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #1. Comparatively, Jordan Boyd (Deadly Class, Champions, Bloodshot Reborn) distinctly captures the ambiance of the world of 2099. His coloring work excels at enhancing and strengthening Mason’s illustrations. By the same token, Boyd understands the mood of the comic book. He is aware that in order to make this comic book stand out from the rest he takes a gritty, but neon approach that appropriates the current state of the characters within the comic book.
Last, but not least, Cory Petit (Age of Apocalypse, Action Comics, Asgardians of the Galaxy) letters a shocking good book. Every sound and word bubble matches thoroughly. Petit aligns dialogue that doesn’t distract key significance and knows where to place sounds where they matter the most. He undertakes an important role to all of the creative team and for that Petit delivers his artistry abilities amply.
Overall, Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis #1 serves as a pleasant rollercoaster ride of mayhem. It’s sure to keep any avid Spider-Man fans to keep reading. Miguel O’Hara is long from solving his problems, but hopefully, in the next release of this comic book, we’ll get to see how he overcomes his journey as the one and only Spider-Man 2099. If you’re interested in what’s next for Miguel or want to start somewhere new, check with your local comic book store or online where this is sold.
Comic Details
Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist: Justin Mason
Colorist: Jordan Boyd
Letterer: VC’s Cory Petit
Cover Artists: Nick Bradshaw, Neeraj Menon
Editor: Mark Paniccia
Publisher: Marvel Entertainment