Blacksad: Under the Skin – Microids unveils a gameplay video of the game!
Microids, Pendulo Studios and YS Interactive are delighted to unveil gameplay footage for Blacksad: Under the Skin. Discover the incredible film-noir mood and the variety of gameplay mechanics in this exciting 20-minute video.
Game features
Investigation phases and deduction
As the story progresses, players will be able to explore the game areas (with more or less freedom depending on the situation), in order to find clues and question potential witnesses. Blacksad must analyze the clues gathered to draw conclusions. This deduction system enables players to link up various elements (clues, observations, etc.) in order to come up with theories and open up new leads. If the association work matches up, the detective will come to a conclusion. If the deduction fails, the clues will remain available for a new attempt.
Multiple choice dialogue
Dialogue scenes offer players the chance to move the conversation in different directions. They will need to choose the options they think will be the most useful to their investigation. These choices will decide Blacksad’s development and relationships, as well as future opportunities. Players will have the option to remain silent during certain exchanges, directly affecting his profile, unique to each player.
Cat senses
Being a cat gives Blacksad several significant advantages. His sharp feline senses like his vision, smell and hearing will help analyze certain situations with more depth. By doing so, players will be able to identify previously inaccessible details.
Quick Time Events
QTEs can be related to various actions or action scenes and must be completed in order to progress through the game (all failed attempts will have to be replayed). Players will face two types of QTE: pressing a given button at the right time or filling a bar by repeatedly pressing a button.
The story
The 50s, New York City: Joe Dunn, owner of a boxing club, is found dead. Meanwhile, rising star Bobby Yale, due to take to the ring for the most important fight of his career, has mysteriously disappeared. Sonia Dunn, Joe’s daughter, takes over the gym and must deal with its financial woes. She hires private detective John Blacksad to investigate Yale’s disappearance. The highly anticipated boxing match of the year is drawing closer and the club’s finances would not survive a no show from Bobby Yale. During its investigation, John Blacksad will find himself swimming with sharks in a universe where corruption is everywhere.