Black Adam: Year of the Villain #1 First Look
Black Adams enters the “Year of the Villain” fray in Black Adam: Year of the Villain #1! Spinning out of the events of Batman/Superman, Shazam! invades Black Adam’s kingdom. His plan? To turn it into a playground for its new ruler, Billy Batson! What happens when an Apex Lex-powered Black Adam faces off against a Batman Who Laughs-infected Shazam!?
Black Adam: Year of the Villain #1
Written by Paul Jenkins (Inhumans, Batman: The Dark Knight)
Art by Inaki Miranda (Catwoman)
Colors by Hi-Fi
Cover art by John Romita Jr. and Klaus Janson (DKIII)
In Shops: Oct 23, 2019
Final Orders Due: Sep 30, 2019
SRP: $4.99