Batman Lost #1 (Dark Knights Metal Tie-in)
Summary: Batman Lost #1, a Dark Knights Metal Tie-in is a twisted journey into the mind of Bruce Wayne!
Batman found!
Penned by Scott Snyder, James Tynion and James Williamson with art by Doug Mahnke, Yanick Paquette and Jorge Jimenez, this story channels an almost Matrix-like element mixed with Grant Morrison as a captured Batman dreams of other times. The story begins with a young girl called Janet, the granddaughter of Bruce Wayne who asks him to recount his tales as Batman which starts with a ‘window and a scream lost to the dark’.
As he recounts the tales of Batman, certain aspects have been changed due to the influence of the Dark Multiverse which is where a helpless Bruce Wayne sleeps his life away. However this is the world’s greatest detective and his subconsciousness is battling these twisted delusions. So as he tries to climb up the ‘ladder’ to freedom, his ‘granddaughter’ is forcing him deeper into the darkness with some very Poltergeist like moments.
Bruce does come face to face with Barbatos who informs him that he is the bat that made the story of Batman. Although Bruce challenges the demonic Barbatos, he shows the Batman the darkness that he is spreading onto Earth and unable to comprehend or accept this reality, Bruce returns into his subconscious as his granddaughter Janet asks him to start his story again… and again…
Wow, what mind twist! Batman Lost #1 was a great look into the psyche of Bruce Wayne and how Barbatos is wearing him down emotionally as he strips away the barriers he has placed inside his mind over the years. It will be interesting to see how Batman escapes the Dark Multiverse with story continuing within the pages of Dark Knights Metal #4.
Final Thoughts?
Well written by all the writers and beautifully illustrated by all involved, Batman Lost #1 is a journey into darkness and the mind of Bruce Wayne.