Aussie Tweens Photoshopping their Images before Sharing – AVG survey
Doctoring images in the pursuit of perfection can have damaging consequences for young girls and boys
AVG® Technologies N.V. (NYSE: AVG), the online security company™ for more than 200 million active users, has released information from its global Digital Diaries Study that shows a number of Aussie 8-13 year olds are photoshopping their images before sharing.
Of the 302 children responding to the nationwide survey, 41 percent feel there is pressure to look good online. While a relatively small number – 11 percent of those surveyed – are starting to edit photos of themselves before posting them, the concern is that any digital doctoring of ‘selfies’ in the pursuit of perfection can have damaging consequences for the self-image and confidence of young girls and boys.
At this stage, the main driver of the ‘enhancements’ (41 percent) is to make the pictures more fun, followed wanting to look good (26 percent). And, encouragingly, a third (35 percent) of those who don’t edit photos say they are comfortable with how they look.
Michael McKinnon, AVG’s Security Awareness Director, said: “The digital world holds a host of opportunities and excitement for our children but it is important for teens to understand that what they see online or in the movies isn’t always real.
“Image honesty is being trammelled not only by Hollywood’s unrealistic beauty standards but being brought very close to home with an example from earlier this year of a schooldigitally altering student photos to remove piercings and blemishes.
“With kids experiencing such strong social pressure to always look perfect, we parents need to be very aware of the influences on our children. If kids don’t learn to accept pimples or braces when they’re very young, how will they ever be able to handle wrinkles and the other larger disappointing realities of life?” McKinnon asked.