
Published on December 17th, 2018 | by Admin


Melt Games has announced an alpha for their endless mountain adventure, Mount Frosty. In Mount Frosty you focus on skiing downhill while avoiding obstacles – the mountain is full of colour and teeming with life. You have access to a cast of memorable and zany characters, which you can see when you take to the slopes. Dodge Obstacles, collect coins, unlock characters, see how long you can survive, and be ready for surprises!

When does the alpha start?

The Mount Frosty alpha is open for both iOS and Android as of today! You can find more information on Melt Games’ Facebook page, and sign up for the alpha here. It will run for a limited time.

When will the game be out?

Mount Frosty will be released in Q1 of 2019, and it will release to both Android and iOS platforms. To learn more about Mount Frosty, you can visit Melt Games’ websiteFacebook and Instagram.

About the Team

Founders Simon Giles and Zenta Staley have been friends for 18 years. Simon worked as a user experience specialist for big companies. He hated it and spent his free time working on games and other fun side-projects. Zenta worked in hospitality – and owned and operated a wine bar in Sydney for 5 years. Simon and Zenta were meeting up to make music when they began riffing video game ideas. Not long after, they quit their jobs and started making games together. Like all small companies, each person wears a lot of different hats to make a game truly come to life.

The Mount Frosty alpha will be kicking off soon!

You can find out more and join the alpha on Melt Games’ website!

About the Author'

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