Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Revealed
Assassin’s Creed Syndicate Revealed
Ubisoft have officially announced Assassin’s Creed Syndicate, the next chapter in the riveting stealth action franchise PS4, Xbox One, and PC, following it’s leak late last year.
Originally known as Assassin’s Creed Victory, this latest title takes place in London, in the year 1868, and will be released on October 23rd 2015.
It’s a bloody marvelous time to be alive.
An age of invention.
So many clever blokes dreaming up impossible machines.
Sorting away more gold than Queen Victoria herself.
But none of those schillings ever make it into the pockets of the poor devils whose blood is spilt building this glorious empire.
The working class sleep walks through life unaware of the machine that drives them
Let’s wake them up then shall we?
So, what did we learn about the game so far? Here’s a recap of some events from the trailer, which can be seen here.
-There’s a curved blade called Kukri for close-quarted combat
-There’s a revolved for distance kills and finishers
– Brass knuckles for when a punch in the face isn’t enough
-Players can zip-line to buildings
-There’s an Assassin’s Gauntlets rope launcher
– There’s bare knuckle boxing
– The hero looks smart in his top hat
– You can ride carraiges
– It features Big Ben
– It features gangs/syndicates
– It will feature Jacob and Evie Fyre as the two main protaganists
by Rohan Fowler