Arts Centre Melbourne and the Australian Music Vault present Process Lab, Saturday May 5 at The Channel
Following on from the success of the one day creative music forum Process that took place in October 2017, Arts Centre Melbourne and the Australian Music Vault are proud to be presenting Process Lab, a workshop series providing practical and in depth sessions in various aspects of music and sound. The first day-long workshop will take place on May 5 2018 with participants able to choose from two sessions on offer, each led by a well-known Melbourne electronic artist.
Process Lab – Workshop One
Emah Fox is a Melbourne based musician and producer whose dark brand of synth pop pits urgent beats and ominous synths against sweet polyrhythmic melody. The intricate production satellites around lucid vocals which shift from restrained intensity to epic and soaring. Earlier musical explorations have earned critical acclaim from Rolling Stone Magazine ‘nothing sort of joyous’, Ministry of Sound ‘emotive vocals and fine lyrics’ and Revolver ‘world-class electronica’. Fox has released tracks on Sweden’s Synth Babe Records (Synth-pop single ‘Give It Away’) and Florida’s Elestial Sound (Abstract electronic field recording ‘The Light Gets In’), along with accompanying self-produced film clips. She released her latest ‘You Got No Right’ on her own Kaiju Kitten label, which Pilerats hailed as ‘important and empowering… a moody piece of dark electronic-pop that thumps’, describing Emah as ‘a strong new voice (emerging) from the Melbourne electronic community’. Kaiju Kitten also produced last year’s sold-out ‘Synth Salon’ for Melbourne Music Week. Emah Fox also runs Synthesiser 101 workshops at world-renowned Melbourne Electronic Sound Studio.
On May 5, Emah Fox will be presenting the workshop, ‘Electronic Music Production and Performance’
Suitability: bedroom producers, producers wanting to take their set to the stage, songwriters wanting to incorporate electronics into their set, performers wanting to workshop their setups and improvising techniques.
This workshop is for electronic music producers who perform or who are interested in developing live sets. Join Emah Fox in a day long masterclass, learning through her demonstration and discussion on producing tracks for release and performing live plus a series of hands on small group performance scenarios where producers can play, improvise and discuss their own setups. The day will be broken up into three sections:
Presentation: Go under the hood with Emah Fox as she demonstrates aspects of how she constructs both live sets and produced electronic music. Watch a mix pull-apart and see how a song is prepared for live performance to ensure technical ease and the freedom to improvise.
Performance: Join in a discussion about technical and musical considerations for live performance.
Participation: Bring your own setup to join in small group jams or use the gear provided (computers, midi controllers, microphones, Ableton Live).
Process Lab – Workshop Two
Robert D Jordan is the musician, VJ, designer and engineer behind Cat Full of Ghosts Electronics (CFOGE). Based in Melbourne CFOGE creates experimental audio and video hardware that is used by artists, producers and creatives around the world. CFOGE has a focus on developing new ways of interacting live with audio and video, creating new ways to play, manipulate and control sound and video. Robert then uses this new technology to perform live, which further informs the design of new products. Synthesizers and hardware from CFOGE are in the collections of the Pratt Institute of Film (NYC) and the Princeton Media Department.
On May 5, Robert D Jordan will be presenting the workshop, ‘Building The Yowler Mini Synthesizer’ * All materials and tools provided.
Suitability: Makers, tinkerers, synth enthusiasts, musicians wanting to get into electronic instrument building.
Learn about the components of synthesizers and build one for yourself! The Yowler is a self-contained synthesizer, with a built in speaker and outputs. Learn about soldering, electronic circuits and synthesizer sounds while building your very own Yowler. Plenty of time for Q&A as well as testing out the synths – Hook your Yowler up to effects pedals, use it as a drum synth or just use the outputs to sample your new instrument!
Performance dates and times:
Process Lab
Saturday May 5 2018
10am – 3pm
Location: The Channel, Arts Centre Melbourne
Emah Fox ‘Electronic Music Production and Performance’: $50 / $30 concession
Robert J Jordan ‘Building The Yowler Mini Synthesizer’ (materials included): $70 / $50 concession
Process Sonic Forum 2018
David Rogers, Arts Centre Melbourne Creative Program Manager says of Process Lab, “We listened to the feedback from our attendees who attended Process last October and there was a clear desire for longer-form, more in-depth creative workshops. We’re proud to be offering the public the chance to work with such an interesting array of music makers and sound artists”.
In November 2018, the Australian Music Vault will again present Process, a one day creative music forum taking place in The Channel featuring keynote speakers, discussion panels and practical workshops with Australia’s most innovative music makers. Process revolves around music, technology, sound and perception. This full day forum is an opportunity to hear from leading sound and media artists, musicians, composers and researchers from Melbourne and interstate. This is a day for thinkers and makers who are exploring the edges of their fields, who innovate and subvert systems, who offer different perspectives on sound tools and music methods and who challenge the modes of interactions in the arts.
Rogers says of the upcoming forum in November, “Process in 2017 was an experiment, where we asked ourselves what a music conference would look like if we took the industry side out of it? This gave us the freedom to look at music and sound making from a different angle and broaden the conversation around creativity. We’re planning a bigger and better Process in 2018 and we’re looking forward to announcing our first round of speakers later this year”.
Click here to view a video made from Process in 2017
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