Ardsami Cosplay Interview … Your Overwatch Tracer is here!
We catch-up with French based Cosplayer Ardsami (Lana) who speaks four languages (English, Russian Dutch and French), works as a Cosplayer & Digital Marketing peon at Blizzard Entertainment (peon is Lana’s word) and also won 1st Place at the National Cosplay Cup American Session (Individual) at the Paris Manga & Sci-Fi Show
Welcome to Impulse Gamer Ardsami! So first things first, how did you get involved in cosplay?
I always like the idea of wearing costume to look like the characters you like, but I never thought I could make any. Then I went to Gamescom and Blizzcon where I met some amazing cosplayers and realized that maybe I should just try. :) So I did a lot of research, found some YouTube tutorials and tried to make my first piece of armor!
What do you love about cosplay?
I guess I love creating something IRL that only existed online before. It also feels awesome to look like a character you like!
Is there anything to hate?
Maybe burning your fingers with black worbla or hot glue!
Tell us about your amazing Overwatch cosplay?
Thank you for saying it’s amazing :)
The characters is called Tracer, she is from England and the costume was probably the hardest and longest to make!
Photo by Steeve Li Photography
Jannet “Incosplay” Vinogradova with Ardsami Cosplay, photo by Makar Vinogradov!
Al Overdrive (Visual Artist)
Jannet “Incosplay” Vinogradova with Ardsami Cosplay, photo by Makar Vinogradov!
Who is your favourite character you’ve cosplayed so far?
The Demon Hunter
What do you enjoy about cons?
I love the atmosphere at conventions, it always feels like a celebration. You also get to meet all of your cosplay friends and have fun, it’s awesome. :)
Are you planning on visiting cons in the US or Australia?
I’m planning to visit Blizzcon next! I dunno about other cons in the US, it is very far, and Australia is even further!
What other cosplays will you be doing this year or next?
I haven’t decided yet… I only have ideas!
What’s the coolest thing you own?
I don’t own many things…but I guess for me personally the coolest thing is my cosplay trophy which I got at the Paris Manga Competition. xD
What advice would you give people wanting to cosplay?
I think my advice would be to not be afraid to just try making things. And also check out YouTube tutorials, they are very helpful!
Make sure you check out Ardsami on the following social media sites! Service) (Other Service) (Twitter) (YouTube)