Summary: Arctic 3D is a beautifully made documentary about a place that is being affected by climate change
Frozen wonderland!
Directed by Rachel Scott and narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch for BBC Earth comes an engaging 3D IMAX documentary about the top of our world, the Arctic, which covers eight countries, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia and the United States.
With state of the art 3D 4K video, the viewer is taken on a spectacular journey that involves both the land and sea, including some of the animals who call this home such as polar bears, fin whales, arctic wolves and walruses. We even witness an arctic bumblebee (Bombus polaris) come out of hibernation at freezing temperatures to help build a new colony and pollinate the summer flowers of the north pole.
Further, we get personal accounts from two Inuit men who disclose to the viewer how climate change is impacting on their lives as the massive glaciers are melting at a rapid rate that is having an impact on sea levels. Some scientists also state the increase of water in our oceans is having an impact on ocean currents.
With polar bears losing their icy habit, the documentary explains that they are migrating in booming numbers to Russia’s Wrangel Island and sometimes swimming up to 10-days. There is also footage showing rivers cutting deep into the one-mile thick ice due to increasing temperatures and even daily photos over the last 15-years by one scientist showing the shrinking glaciers.
While there is a powerful message in this documentary, it is made more evident and immersive with the use of 3D that at times makes it feel like you are walking and sometimes flying across the arctic. Benedict Cumberbatch is also a very affable narrator who draws you into the plight of the arctic as he delivers the message of climate change. While some scenes may scare some younger viewers, there is also a touching “special feature” near the end as some of the cinematographers are interviewed with one mentioning the amusing sights and sounds of the Walrus.
Final Thoughts?
Arctic 3D: Our Frozen Planet is a powerful documentary from start to finish which shows some visually stunning video of this amazing part of the world.
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