Anxious Kids: How children can turn their anxiety into resilience (Book Review)
Summary: Anxious Kids: How children can turn their anxiety into resilience is a must have book for parents that not only highlights this epidemic but also go into detail on how to support your children in building resilience and resolving their anxieties.
It’s easy to feel overwhelmed when your child suffers from anxiety, but there are many things you can do to help.
In the hustle and bustle of modern society, this can cause challenges for children, particularly when it comes to anxiety and with globalisation, our homes and towns have become considerably bigger, including our place in the world. This where the book, “Anxious Kids: How children can turn their anxiety into resilience“ comes into play that helps parents or carers turn their children’s anxiety into empowerment so that grow into strong and resilient people.
Anxious Kids is also a collaboration with bestselling parenting author Michael Grose and wellbeing expert Dr Jodi Richardson whose expertise creates a very compelling book from start to finish that will definitely become a valuable resource in your home and famiy. Furthermore, this resource adds historical and biological content to the information presented which gives a detailed snapshot into anxiety and more importantly, that you and your children are not alone. It’s also interesting that the authors highlight modern life such as screen time (including blue light which affects sleep), including other elements like social media and as a human, needing to be liked.
Best of all, Anxious Kids is written in plain language and its author don’t talk down to the reader but rather explain, advise and support parents in addressing these challenges with their children and include easy to follow strategies that can be incorporated into their lives. At its core, Anxious Kids adds an element of mindfulness into the strategies provided in this book that allows children to become aware of the moment, their feelings of anxiety, acceptance and more importantly how to handle these episodes in the future. In other words, building resilience!
The book is also split into six parts that once read, easily allows you to find the intended topic.
Anxious Kids: How children can turn their anxiety into resilience Sections
Part 1: Anxiety is a problem
The anxiety epidemic
What’s causing the epidemic?
Part 2: Understanding anxiety
Anxiety explained
Recognizing anxiety in a child
Part 3: Parenting anxious kids
Responding to a child’s anxious moment
Parenting for resilience and independence
Redefining your parenting style
Part 4: Tools for managing anxiety
Checking in – an emotional intelligence tool
Deep breathing
Part 5: Lifestyle factors that reduce anxiety
Get plenty of sleep
Eat Well
Go Play
Enjoy green time
Know what matters
Build relationships
Part 6: Managing significant anxiety issues
When kids need more assistance
Different approaches to managing and treating anxiety
How schools can help
As you can see there is a whole wealth of content in this book and as said, you do need to read this book from the very first page to the last in order to get a thorough insight into this important solution for your children. Whether this is positive modelling, supporting children with responsibility and assisting them when something goes awry to linking in with other supports like schools, this book gives you almost everything you need.
While some aspects are obvious such as healthy eating, exercise and getting enough sleep, you also need to be aware of the signs like avoidance or other triggers like social media. Given that, it’s great how this book incorporates the family like volunteering which shows your child empathy and building emotional intelligence that makes this title a very grounded read. The book ends with a nice epilogue that summaries the book and challenges parents to become of a positive new movement to help support our children. Brilliant!
Final Thoughts?
Anxious Kids: How children can turn their anxiety into resilience is available at all good bookstores from 7 May 2019 and comes with a recommended retail price of $35.00AUD and is a fantastic read if you have anxious children and how to turn the tables on anxiety.