
Published on October 25th, 2017 | by Dana Folkard


Berger Books’ First Series Now Available for Preorder at Local Comic Shops.

Prior to San Diego Comic Con 2017, Dark Horse announced the launch titles of Karen Berger’s imprint at Dark Horse. Today, Dark Horse and Berger Books are excited to share art from the upcoming series: Hungry Ghosts!

Author, chef and Emmy award-winning television star Anthony Bourdain (Parts UnknownKitchen Confidential) and acclaimed writer Joel Rose (Get Jiro!; Kill, Kill, Faster, Faster) tell haunting tales of terror, irritable spirits, and horribly strange beings in Hungry Ghosts, a four-issue anthology series of interconnected tales steeped in Japanese legend. Joining them for the first issue are stellar artists Alberto Ponticelli (Unknown SoldierDial H) and Vanesa Del Rey (RedlandsThe Empty ManHit 1957), with amazing color by Jose Villarrubia (Conan the CimmerianGet Jiro!Sweet Tooth), and a drop-dead cover by Paul Pope (Batman Year 100, Battling BoyHeavy Liquid). Subsequent issues will feature art from Francesco Francavilla, Leonardo Manco, Paul Pope, Mateus Santolouco, and others.

Inspired by the Japanese Edo Period game Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai or 100 Candles, played by samurai warriors to test their courage, Hungry Ghosts reimagines this classic game of dread and terror as a circle of international chefs invoke modern tales of horror, terrifying yokaiyorei, and obake, all with the common thread of food—and pray that they survive the night. For the first course, with bad consequence, a ramen chef refuses to help a beggar, and a band of pirates gets more (and less) than they were bargaining for after their encounter with a drowning woman turns ghastly.

The first issue goes on sale January 31, 2018. Hungry Ghosts #1 is now available for preorder at your local comic shop.



About the Author'

An absolute nerd with a passion for all things sci-fi! Lover of comics, coffee and Geralt of Rivia. Mother of Dragons!

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