
Published on April 3rd, 2023 | by Andrew Bistak

Anne Edmonds Why Is My Bag All Wet? Review @anneedmonds1 @micomfestival #MICF

Anne Edmonds Why Is My Bag All Wet? Review @anneedmonds1 @micomfestival #MICF Andrew Bistak

Summary: Anne Edmonds Why Is My Bag All Wet? is a hilarious and heartwarming must see show at the MICF!


Funny and heartwarming

The truly delightful and hilarious Anne Edmonds is back at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival with her new show, Why Is My Bag All Wet?

Although the title of Anne’s new show is about those horrible water bottle accidents that happens to many of us mere mortals (myself included), Why Is My Bag All Wet is a like being a roller coaster inside the mind of one of Australia’s best comedians, including some truly amusing anecdotes of being an older mum.

Anne discloses to the audience of how she captured her partner Lloyd Langford thanks to the pandemic and then by getting pregnant to being aware of dangers everywhere once her daughter was born. From being a servant to her daughter Gwen, scrolling through Facebook Marketplace looking for bargains and even meeting a “witch” in Glasgow when Anne bought a high chair without a tray, seeing Anne perform is like watching a magician! Her gags are hilarious!

Anne even manages to bring some of the audience into her show such as Ellen who arrived a little late to a group of friends who can’t remember how they met a nightclub that had the audience in stiches. Anne also talks about her love and involvement in reality TV to the dreaded Coles incident in Sydney that she believed was due to the universe getting her back… needless to say, Why Is My Bag All Wet is a true experience from start to finish.

Add in body shape, $10 K-Mart pants, wall slides from crying, being kicked in a nightclub for her drink and the comedy of this show was indeed like a rollercoaster and just when you found your breath again, the next minute, you were again in absolute laughter and this is where Anne Edmonds excels.

Final Thoughts?

Anne Edmonds Why Is My Bag All Wet? is brilliant experience from start to finish. Best of all, Anne discloses some beautiful elements to her life that although are quite funny at times, they are also quite heartwarming at the same time.

Anne Edmonds Why Is My Bag All Wet? is a must see show of the Melbourne International Comedy Festival!

Anne Edmonds Why Is My Bag All Wet?

Auslan Interpretation is offered for select performances. To book seats near the interpreter, please click here.

Nominee Award for Most Outstanding Show 2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019 Melbourne Comedy International Festivals

Anne Edmonds floods her bag at least twice a week and becoming a mother hasn’t helped this. Where once there was water, now there is milk.

Anne’s gagging to get back on stage! So screw your water bottle lids on tight, kick back and for god’s sake, let’s laugh.

As seen on Have You Been Paying Attention? and often mistaken for Niddrie’s own Helen Bidou.

‘Rolling with the confidence and energy of a prize fighter, Edmonds is touchingly engaging. ★★★★’ Herald Sun

‘Still laughing the next day, simply a fantastic performer. ★★★★’ The Age

Triple R Presents

About the Author

When he's not trying to save the world, Andrew enjoys travel (although loathes turbulence), going to the movies, reading and being a dad to his two dogs (and now twins) with his wife.

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