Alterna Comics May releases of CROAK #1, LILITH DARK #1, AMAZING AGE #1, and ADAM WRECK #1 sold out on the day of release at Diamond, though copies may still be available at your local comic shop.
Alterna founder and publisher, Peter Simeti, had this to say about the line’s successful launch, “I’m thrilled to see that so many people are enjoying these $1.50 newsprint comics and that retailers really came out in support of these books. To see hundreds of tweets, facebook messages, posts, emails, etc. about these books and how loved they are — it means a lot. We’ve had backorders piling up and I wanted to quell any worries that those orders won’t be filled; they’ll absolutely be filled as we have a small overrun from our printer that we plan on dedicating to fill any and all backorders and reorders.”
Alterna’s June releases are also experiencing a surge in orders, with numbers at 25% to 50% higher than May’s releases.
The second issues for all of May’s releases are currently available for preorder in Diamond’s May Previews catalog.