Hearthstone’s Kobolds & Catacombs Card Reveals Begin
Earlier today, Hearthstone Game Designer Peter Whalen and Brian Kibler kicked off card reveals for Kobolds & Catacombs, the latest Hearthstone expansion, due out next month.
Nine new cards were unveiled on the livestream, including two Legendary cards: the Hunter minion Kathrena Winterwisp and the Shaman Legendary weapon, The Runespear.
You can watch the VOD on Twitch here.
And if it’s the cards you’re after, you can find them here.
Want a taste of Kobolds & Catacombs right now? Log in to claim your free Legendary card – Marin the Fox – and add him to your decks right away!
What is Kobolds & Catacombs?
In Kobolds & Catacombs, the new expansion for Blizzard Entertainment’s smash-hit digital strategy card game Hearthstone, Azeroth’s boldest adventurers will embark on an unforgettable expedition inspired by the classic fantasy dungeon crawl. Players will delve deep into the vast underground caverns unearthed by those notorious, pesky Kobolds, where they’ll discover all manner of treacherous traps, long-forgotten monsters, and glorious treasure with 135 new cards to collect.
Players can pre-purchase card packs now, and receive the For the Hoard card back to use right away before the set releases in December.
Expansion features:
- Dungeon Runs – A completely free replayable standalone single player mode that offers 48 unique encounters and a huge assortment of new cards created just for this mode.
- Legendary Weapons – For the first time ever, every class gets a Legendary Weapon, and all players get one free at launch!
- Unidentified Magic Items – These mysterious cards gain new powers when they enter your hand.
- Spellstones – Play your Spellstone card immediately, or empower it by fulfilling specific actions for a greater effect.