Play More Battlefield 1 With Premium Friends
The community has spoken and DICE is making big moves to bridge the divide between player communities. Today on the Battlefield blog, DICE announced based on fan feedback, Premium Friends, a new way that players who own Battlefield 1 Premium Pass can share the perks with friends that don’t. Premium Pass owners will be able to invite others who own Battlefield 1 to a Premium enabled party, where all players in the party can play on all maps, regardless if they own the content or not. In Premium Friends, more players will have access to more content including epic battles across the fiery furnace of Verdun Heights, the beautiful French countryside of Soissons and more from the latest French army themed DLC, Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass.
A trial run of Premium Friends will be active for Premium Pass owners during the upcoming Battlefest, a celebration of the Battlefield community, starting on March 30th.
Head to the Battlefield blog here to learn more about Premium Friends.