Published on March 10th, 2025 | by Nay Clark

Sorry We’re Closed Review (PS5)

Sorry We’re Closed Review (PS5) Nay Clark

Summary: Sorry We’re Closed is a heavily stylized horror action adventure game that bleeds innovation. A bumping soundtrack and comfortable trepidation amalgamate to form a passionate and purposeful experience. An impressive narrative with a comical cast soaks in the exceptional and creative gameplay making this a trip into the demon world you don’t want to miss.


Disguised Blessing

Fight off demons in an attempt to grow as a person and hopefully get your ex-girlfriend back in this exciting and imaginative journey across realms! Sorry We’re Closed is a horror action adventure game developed by à la mode games, published by Akupara Games, and initially released on Windows on November 14th of 2024 and released on consoles on March 6th of 2025. Sorry We’re Closed pulls heavy inspirations from legendary classics like Resident Evil and Silent Hill. While the game definitely falls in the horror genre by having horrendous creatures and dreadful themes, its punk-rock attitude and vibrant colors lightens the mood and meticulously individualizes it into something of its own. Slash the hearts of fiends while you wear yours on your sleeve in this evergoing battle between Heaven and Hell!

The super chill and fatigued Michelle works at her stagnant job at a convenience store in a small corner of a London borough. The nook isn’t too bad as all of her friends are stationed nearby running their own endeavors. Life is miserable as Michelle misses her ex-girlfriend who has left and now has a career in acting. While trying to get over these hurdles in life, a mysterious demon known as the Duchess visits Michelle in her sleep and awakens a “third eye” on top of Michelle’s forehead for unknown reasons. Now with the ability to see into the demon world, Michelle’s life turns upside down and it’s up to her to step out of her comfort zone and take advantage of it.

Sorry We’re Closed has a number of sidequests and decisions that you can make throughout the game that changes the conclusion. There are some sidequests that will nab you some currency to upgrade your abilities and some that will sternly shape other characters’ paths as well as your own. The dialogue and writing is impressive and easily keeps you invested with the zany cast of characters all the way through. Even if Sorry We’re Closed is metaphorically rich and allegorically deep, it’s supremely digestible by having relatable relationships and intelligible imagery. The game can be completed in roughly 8 hours, but new additions to this rerelease like New Game+ and Time Attack Mode give it a lot of replay value.

The gameplay in Sorry We’re Closed closely follows suit with the survival horror genre by having fixed camera angles, limited resources that you have to manage, and puzzles that will have you running back to previous rooms. The main gimmick here is Michelle’s third eye skill that can be used strategically in multiple ways. Activating it with the snap of your fingers and a push of a button will form a small circle around you in which you can peer into the parallel realm ruled by otherworldly freaks while you are in the human world and vice versa. You have to use this ability to safely traverse hazardous environments and successfully eliminate your bizarre foes. To not make this ability overpowered, you cannot run while using your third eye, which keeps you on your toes and makes all of your decisions more deliberate.

Obstacles in the real world may block your path, but you may be able to find an alternate route forward if you use your third eye. Spiked traps in the demon world can hurt you, but if you switch back over to the land of the living, you can get by unscathed. Sometimes you will have to use your talents to find keys to open doors or sidequest items. Other environmental puzzles like shooting certain objects from a distance while problem solving with your third eye are also present and the challenges get more creative and engaging the further you get into the game. Traversing these worlds is already pretty spectacular given the flamboyant and electric neon color scheme, but also being able to interact with it in this way is incredibly unique and absorbing. Especially when you notice certain differing details between the domains will often have contrasting descriptions when examined.

A variety of creepy critters will attack you on sight and Michelle can take them out in multiple ways. While fighting enemies, the camera switches to first person making encounters very personal. You can equip different weapons like an axe for powerful melee swings that you can use to conserve ammo or a pistol to get some long distance damage done. You can fight an enemy outright, trading blows until one of you is downed, but using your third eye during combat will prove to be more effective. Activating your third eye will let you see an enemy’s heart, or weak point, and doing damage to their heart will destroy the monster faster. If you use your third eye while an enemy is right next to you, it will stun the enemy for a little bit, allowing you to get in some sneaky blows or sometimes immediately obliterating it. The action gets really exciting when you have to juggle your fighting techniques between multiple demons at once, staggering a couple with your third eye and then shooting another that is more out of range.

Comboing your attacks by hitting weak points in succession will build up your Heartbreak meter. Once it is full, you can activate the Heartbreak, a giant gun that shoots out a powerful charged shot. These special attacks are precious though and if you miss your target, you’ll have to build up the meter all over again. This small addition to the combat keeps you attentive and involved in the combat since having a fully charged Heartbreak at your disposal is quite valuable.

The game is split up into dungeon-like levels and you are given a rating after each one. Your rating is based on a number of statistics like how much time you spent in the level, your accuracy, number of deaths, and number of perfect combos among other things. While the rating system is of no consequence, it can give you a general idea of how well you are playing. Upgrading your weapons, third eye ability, and attributes like how beneficial health items are at the shop after obtaining currency through selling artifacts can also give you a bit of an edge at acquiring a better score.

The retro style and 90’s aesthetic shine through the game’s graphical fidelity. The blocky appendages, facial expressions, and flat colors and shadows reminded me of older titles like Mega Man Legends. The melting pink ring of the third eye is especially impressive and is just one small example of how the game erects its urban flair. The music choice is heavenly and perfectly represents the game’s daftness and attitude. Underground types of beats mixed with a hip hop flow are jam worthy and exceeded my expectations. The audio design illustrates the complexities of the story and perspectives of the characters within the game in a marvelous way.

Final Thoughts?

Sorry We’re Closed is a well polished game. Overall, the combat is very precise and incredibly addicting. The horror element of having to be alert at all times and the back and forth of the fighting feels clever and creates a nice gameplay loop that keeps you on your toes. The multiple uses of the third eye ability is innovative and really opens up Sorry We’re Closed to be its own unique beast. Getting good ratings through skill or fortuitously feels rewarding and makes you want to be more competent. The game is wonderfully paced and just feels immensely fresh. A rich world, complex and amusing characters, and a smart narrative produce a very entertaining experience. Open up your third eye and dive into this devilishly divine time!

About the Author

Gaming holds a special place in my heart and I never stop talking about video games. I really love all types of games and have an interest in games that have complicated stories and lore because I enjoy untangling the mystery of it all. When I'm not gaming, I unsuccessfully try to control three amazing and incredibly bright kids.

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