
Published on September 22nd, 2021 | by Adrian Gunning

Explore, inspire and create with Colors Live, now available on Nintendo Switch

Colors Livethe sequel to the critically acclaimed painting game Colors! 3D, is now available at Big W exclusivly on Nintendo Switch™. Published by Nighthawk Interactive and developed by Collecting SmilesColors Live is designed for beginners and master artists alike. The digital sketchbook also includes the pressure-sensitive Colors SonarPen that sets it apart from other colouring experiences.

Based on modern painting techniques originally developed for professional drawing tablets, Colors Live is tailored for Nintendo Switch. It offers players a ton of flexibility to sketch, paint or draw in their very own portable art studio.

The fan-favourite painting game includes:

  • Colors SonarPen – A pressure-sensitive pen providing a natural painting experience with fully customisable stroke thickness and/or opacity.
  • Colors Quest – Brand-new game mode challenging users to level up their skills by painting every day to a set theme while bound to various rules.
  • Colors Gallery – Players can upload creations to Colors Gallery, a community sharing hub which has received over four million painting uploads and counting. Follow friends and discover talented artists to share Colors Live creations with the world.
  • Colors Playback – Every painting created in Colors Live stores the entire creative process allowing users to watch and learn from other creators through playback for any of the millions of paintings available in the gallery.
  • Colors Updates – The game was created to be continually updated over time to offer players new drawing tools, new challenges and more ways to interact with friends and followers.

Created by artist Jens Andersson 13 years ago, the Colors! series has been a major contribution to the digital art community and evolution of digital painting in the gaming sphere. Colors! on Nintendo DS received over one million downloads and its Nintendo 3DS counterpart is the tenth highest-rated game for the system.

Colors Live is now available for an RRP $99.95 on Nintendo Switch at Big W.

About the Author'

Adrian lives in Melbourne Australia and has a huge passion for gaming, technology and pop culture. He recently finished his a Bachelor of Journalism and is currently focusing on games journalism. When not writing and playing video games, Adrian can be found in Comics 'R' Us debating the pros of the DC Universe and cons of the Marvel Universe.

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