7 things to do in your first 5 hours with No Man¹s Sky on PS4
As No Man’s sky lands on PlayStation 4 today, to celebrate the games launch and to assist with your new life as a galactic explorer, PlayStation has released an exciting launch trailer and prepared a short selection of early-game pointers to help understand the question often posed to Hello Games: “What do you do in No Man’s Sky?”.
When there’s an entire galaxy to explore, how do you tell someone where to start? For those of you familiar with the promise of No Man’s Sky, you will already know that the goal is to make your way to the centre of a galaxy full of unique, procedurally-generated planets, but it’s what happens on the way there that’s a mystery. As millions of travellers prepare to make their way into this vast, unknown universe, click HERE for a few tips that will help get your journey underway.
Your universe awaits, and it’s up to you how you want to explore!
As a console exclusive to PlayStation 4, No Man’s Sky is out now, with a recommended retail price of AUD$99.95.
For more information, please head to the PlayStation Blog.