Welcome back to archaeologist and puzzle-solver Professor Layton who
is back again to challenge gamers as they help our intrepid
professor solve another dastardly case. The game itself continues
from the previous game, Professor Layton and the Last Specter
that sees Layton joined again by friends Luke and Emmy in order to
find the mysterious Masked Gentlemen who has been terrorising the
city of Monte d’Or. Your goal is also to solve over 150 brainteasers
and mini-games. I really loved the introduction of this game that
had Layton receiving a letter from his old friend Angela about a
Masked Gentlemen using magical powers on the citizens of Monte d’Or.
From there, Layton and his two assistants go to Monte d’Or to
investigate... the mystery begins!

here we are again, another fun and twisted adventure as 3DS gamers
embark on some of the most challenging puzzles to date. Add in the
ability of 3D and Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask is
definitely the best game of the series. With some great cinematics,
the title really draws you, especially the interesting case of the
Masked Gentlemen. There is even a twist in series that allows
players through flashback sequences to play as the young 17-year old
Layton which helps immerse the player even more into our favourite
gaming archaeologist. However I won't spoil the twists and turns of
the story!

its core, Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask is a puzzler which
requires players to solve a variety of puzzles. These range from
easy to at times quite complex and developers Level-5 don't pull any
punches. The best things about the puzzles is that the clues are
right in front of you so sometimes you need to put the game down and
then come back to it once your brain has been refreshed.
Also if you never played a Layton game before, there's a great
tutorial in the game to teach you the gaming mechanics. The main
tool used for interaction is of course your stylus which also works
as a magnifying glass for our hero and friends. Sometimes you need
to explore every nook and cranny in the screen in case you miss a

The catch with this current game is the inclusion of 3D which really
adds to the puzzle solving of this game. Thankfully this does not
add to the difficulty of the title but does make you think outside
the square. Once a puzzle is solved, you're generally treated to a
fun and sometimes humorous cutscenes that assists with the story
telling. Each puzzle also has a rating difficulty called a Picarat.
There is a hint system (albeit a little easy) in the game and you
also have access to Layton's "Professor Trunk" which is where you
store all the items you found, read about clues and replay puzzles.
As mentioned, the game also supports a plethora of mini-games to
help breakup from the main puzzle elements of the game and does help
spice things up for the player, especially the rabbit training game.
There's even some great character interaction in the game that helps
you piece together the puzzles of the Masked Gentlemen and of course
catching him... or her! If you still want more puzzles, the game
features Daily Puzzles via the net which allows you download a new
puzzle every day. The only downside to the game is probably the hint
season as the temptation to use is sometimes too strong.

Graphically, Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask is a good looking
game on the 3DS which makes full use of the 3D capabilities of this
console. The cutscenes are gorgeous and look like some amusing anime
straight from Japan. Puzzles are well thought out, especially when
viewed in 3D and overall, this is quite a colourful game. Music and
sound effects only enhance the gaming experience.
Final Thoughts?
In the end, Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask is a fun game that
both adults and children alike will enjoy, provided you like to be
challenged. For younger gamers, the title does contain a hint system
but fortunately this can be ignored, although I must admit we may
have used it once or twice. If you're a fan of puzzles than look no
further because this game will keep your mind well trained and best
of all, have a blast!