It's been awhile since Nintendo fans
got to play in the Metal Gear Solid universe and the last time was
in 2004 with Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes on the
GameCube which was a brilliant remake of the original PlayStation
game. I'm sure many PlayStation 3 owners were hoping that this
remake would be included in the recently released HD Collection of
this series... alas, it never happened.
However 3DS owners can now reveal in
this universe, thanks to Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D
which is a remake of the 2004 game but features the innovative
controls and graphics of the 3DS console. The results are definitely
worthy, especially with the inclusion of 3D which has not just been
tacked on. Interestingly enough, the 3D version is actually superior
to the original in both gameplay and graphics but just be warned...
cutscenes sometimes go on forever! One fun fact about this game is
that the original Kerotans (frogs) that were hidden throughout the
original game have been replaced with Yoshis which is a cool
reference to Mario... although probably not as practical as the
original 64 frogs were. Nonetheless... damn cool!
In the game, you play as Naked Snake, a CIA operative during the era
of a new Cold War who has been given the important task of
destroying the "Shagohod", a mobile missile launcher that has the
capability of firing nuclear missiles at the United States. Your
goal as Snake is never simple and you are forced to traverse into
Soviet Territory to complete your dangerous goal. Thankfully for
Snake, besides your training, you have a few tricks up your sleeves
and stealth is your best weapon.
Stealth is the key to victory in this
third person action game as like the previous games, the less amount
of noise and commotion you make, the easier your goals will be to
achieve. If you alert the enemy to your presence, things become
extremely tough so don't expect to go in with guns blazing, although
some areas do require this. It's also great going back to basics and
just the like the original game, there's plenty of fun places to hid
and to stash bodies.

With plenty of foot soldiers in the
game, avoiding them is the easiest way to complete your objectives
but every now and then, you will slip up and a fight will ensue.
Boss battles are still the highlight of this series and needless to
say, these can be quite challenging at times, especially as you
progress. From battles and exploring the environment, Snake will
receive a variety of injuries and these must be treated accordingly,
whether it’s a cut, bullet wound or something more sinister, there
are a plethora of options available to the player such as herbs and
medical kits.
You also need to be vigilant of your
stamina in the game as the lower it becomes, the less effective
Snake becomes as a character. In order to keep on top of your
stamina, you need to eat food and fortunately in this rich tropical
environment, there's plenty of plants and animals to snack on. Add
in lots of unlockable weapons and outfits and most gamers will
probably miss them the first time around which definitely opens up
the title for a second play.
The controls on the 3DS work quite well with the concept of this
title, especially with all the elusive sneaking that you will be
doing. Most 3DS owners should have no problems in mastering the
controls, even with the sometimes fiddly camera angles but if you
want a perfect control system, you do need the Circle Pad Pro
accessory which makes everything a much more fluid experience,
especially as you crouch and sneak around.
Another impressive aspect of the 3DS
version is that Snake can actually walk while he is crouched now
which was not available in the original game. The game does support
the Gyro Sensor which sometimes assists in helping Snake balance
such as walking over narrow obstacles and although it feels a little
tacked on, it's actually not that bad. The touch screen of the 3DS
also makes swapping between weapons or navigating through your items
a much more streamlined experience. Another gimmick of the 3DS
version is that the camera of this console can be used to take
photos and then create your own custom camouflage suits for Snake.
It's a cool feature but ultimately doesn't really enhance the
overall gameplay but an Impulse Gamer camouflage did look rather
spiffy... although not very practical.

Graphically, this is a very nice
looking title on the 3DS. From well designed characters, detailed
environments and some great special effects, the only downside to
the graphics are the stiff animations from the characters in the
game. I loved the use of the 3D in the game as it was used like a 3D
movie where at certain times, things will jump out at you or at
other times, it's quite subtle like the randomness of rain.
Thankfully the 3D is used sparingly in the game so your eyes don't
have to refocus all the time, should you move the console too much.
Unfortunately all this eye candy does come at a cost as the frame
rate of Metal Gear Solid: Snake Eater 3D does suffer. Audio is
equally as good as the graphics, thanks to the engaging musical
score, professional voice acting and great use of sound effects.
Final Thoughts?
It's understandable why Konami re-released this game on the 3DS
because everything from the story, gameplay and enjoyment still
holds up today. The star of the game is undoubtedly Naked Snake who
oozes with badass charm and nothing is more fun than sneaking this
through environment, taking out enemies by stealth and going head to
head with the various bosses. Add in the ability to use the new
Circle Pad Pro accessory and some decent use of 3D and this is
easily a must have game for the 3DS. With so many great games being
released for the 3DS of late, it's definitely time for those fence
sitters to check out this console now because this is as good as
portable gaming gets. Recommended!
Just be warned... this game is NOT for

Key Features
Experience an all-new re-interpretation of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake
Eater, previously released on PlayStation 2 with over 4 million
copies sold, in 3D for the first time ever
Auto-stereoscopic 3D viewing capability that endeavors to create a
rich jungle world with natural depth in settings of trees,
rock/stone, water and more.
‘Photo Camo’ system utilisingthe built-in camera technology of the
hardware bringing customisedstealth and camouflage options to the
player. By snapping a photo in the real world, players will be able
to use the same image as a camouflage pattern applied to Snake’s
uniform within the game.
Utilisingthe Gyro Sensor, players will become one with Snake through
specialisedtilt mechanics throughout the game design. As Snake
climbs trees, or traverses bridges and other environmental
obstacles, players will be in danger of falling based on the
balancing of the system.
An intuitive menu utilizes the touch screen for quick and easy
equipping of items and weapons.