This whacky 3DS game from Nintendo is the perfect platform for
gamers to create their own virtual creatures called formees
and their creation is only limited by the players imagination. By
using the innovative controls of the 3DS, players can choose from
over 600 different forms as they tweak these creatures to explore
this rich and engaging world from adding wings or multiple legs
like a centipede to their formees. It's all up to you. It should
also be noted that this game definitely targets the younger gamer
and Nintendo do a good job at delivering a fun game for this
particular audience.
Before jumping into this colourful world, you first need to create
your formees via the creation tool which could keep you busy for a
considerable amount of time. Add in a "voice" for them and even a
catch phrase and you're ready to play. Best of all, it's all Stylus controlled
which really lets you unleash your creative side. Although there is
an element of exploration to this game and even a touch of RPG, as
you do progress, the game opens up additional forms and shapes to
the player... it's basically a create your own Pokémon game.

At first your formees are quite basic creatures, however by
completing quests such as finding fruit, going dungeon crawling or
delivering items to other formees, you are awarded goodies such as
gold and food to assist your creatures during questing. The main controls
of the title is the stylus which is used well with the gameplay to
not only create your formees but navigate the menus and the
Exploring the dungeons of FreakyForms Deluxe: Your Creations,
Alive! is a fun part of the game but it is quite basic. Don't expect
the next Zelda game here. Enemies in the game are generally quite
easy to battle and there is the occasional boss battle to be found
in the dungeon. Combat is also automated and it actually works well
with the simplistic premise of the game. Formees even have their own
special attacks and while exploring the dungeons, you can discover
additional powers for your characters.

In terms of multiplayer, FreakyForms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive!
supports Street Past which allows player's formees to interact and
share images from their games. Local multiplayer on the other hand
allows up to four players to join together and best of all, only one
person needs to own the game. Once the players are connected, they
can commence their formee creation. At the end of the day,
FreakyForms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive! is an interesting game that
younger gamers will enjoy, even some older gamers who are looking
for something a little left of centre.
Graphically, Fortunately FreakyForms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive!
is a bizarre looking game with extremely strange concepts. The game
is quite colourful with some great use of lighting and some fun
special effects. 3D isn't really a highlight of the game but at
times, it does add a unique element to your creations. The areas
that you visit like the dungeons and the wilderness look good in
this strange surreal and Spartan way. The sound effects are equally
as whacky with all these strange sounds and the musical score suits
the game well.

Final Level
When a game is so far outside the square in terms of creativity, it
can be a dangerous dance between something ridiculous and genius.
Fortunately FreakyForms Deluxe: Your Creations, Alive! falls into
the almost genius category with its charming and simplistic gameplay
with massive customisation options. With fun gameplay, easy
controls, this is definitely the most quirky game of the year and if
you're looking for something totally different, check it out!
Update by Editor:
Freakyforms was originally available through the eShop, however the
deluxe version (e.g. store version) contains additional shapes and
the inclusion of an RPG-like Dungeon Crawl.